Wow....This is a ten minute video, but def worth watching - please watch it at some point. It is not one of the graphic videos that try to scare you into not texting and driving but instead shows how a simple 3 letter text such as "LOL" that takes less than 5 seconds can be life changing and in some cases life ending. I am guilty of texting while driving but after watching this and better understanding the reality I hope we can all see that NOTHING is so important it can't wait until the car is in park!
Be careful y'all!
Daily Dose 1,2, skip a few....
Here we go again...time to play catch up on the Reverbs! I am going to something a little different though - a lot of them seem very repetitive - the same topic, just written a different way, or maybe my year was just not very eventful and they same few events keep coming to mind when reading these...anyway, with that being the case, I am going to just go through and respond to the ones that I like the most and save you from reading a similar response that I may have had on a different day! :)
December 20 – Beyond Avoidance. What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)
Saving money. I promised myself I was going to be better about saving, instead I did the complete opposite! If every TJ Maxx in the world would shut down, I would be way better at this mission. As far as if I will do it in the next year - I will definitely give it a much better shot than in the past! :)
December 23 – New Name Let’s meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why?
Honestly, I would keep my name...Christian Faith. It is not as common now since Faith Evans Faith Hill and the show Hope and Faith stepped onto the scene but it is still a name that is more unique than most and actually has a meaning behind it so Thanks mom and dad! :)
December 24 Prompt – Everything’s OK What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?
Proof - It is December 28...3 days away from 2011 and I am still here--nothing took me out, that is all the proof I need!
December 26 – Soul Food What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul?
I would not say it really touched my soul but I tried Sushi for the first time this summer. I am not a picky eater but something about Sushi has just never been that appealing to me. In my opinion, it almost seems as if it became a trend in the past year or so that you had to eat Sushi to fit in - not why I tried it, but I did and it was good. Nothing that I would sit around dreaming about, but I have had a craving for it at least twice since trying it!
That is actually all of the ones I really cared enough to write about! This Reverb idea was not as fascinating or enlightening as I hoped it would be!
To gove you an idea -These are a few of the ones I skipped:
December 18 – Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
December 17 – Lesson Learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?
December 20 – Beyond Avoidance. What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)
Saving money. I promised myself I was going to be better about saving, instead I did the complete opposite! If every TJ Maxx in the world would shut down, I would be way better at this mission. As far as if I will do it in the next year - I will definitely give it a much better shot than in the past! :)
December 23 – New Name Let’s meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why?
Honestly, I would keep my name...Christian Faith. It is not as common now since Faith Evans Faith Hill and the show Hope and Faith stepped onto the scene but it is still a name that is more unique than most and actually has a meaning behind it so Thanks mom and dad! :)
December 24 Prompt – Everything’s OK What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?
Proof - It is December 28...3 days away from 2011 and I am still here--nothing took me out, that is all the proof I need!
December 26 – Soul Food What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul?
I would not say it really touched my soul but I tried Sushi for the first time this summer. I am not a picky eater but something about Sushi has just never been that appealing to me. In my opinion, it almost seems as if it became a trend in the past year or so that you had to eat Sushi to fit in - not why I tried it, but I did and it was good. Nothing that I would sit around dreaming about, but I have had a craving for it at least twice since trying it!
That is actually all of the ones I really cared enough to write about! This Reverb idea was not as fascinating or enlightening as I hoped it would be!
To gove you an idea -These are a few of the ones I skipped:
December 18 – Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
December 17 – Lesson Learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?
December 15 – 5 Minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most wan to remember about 2010.
As you can see they have been answered for the most part throughout my previous post - the others I skipped were pretty much the same - nothing to exciting! Oh well....there are still three days left - maybe they will be more interesting!
Daily Dose 4-14 (All Caught up!!!)
Okay sooooooo since I am way behind on my daily "Reverbs" I am going to list each one and answer it in as few words as possible and if I cannot answer it I will just skip it! Sorry I have been MIA- we went to ATL for the USC SEC Championship game (which we lost BAD but it was still and Awesome trip), and then I had Final Exams and MY BIRTHDAY I have been a busy girl....ok done making excuses, here we go.........
December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?
Hmmmm....I have not had a super eventful year full of traveling or seeing many sights or things like that but I have been trying to more aware of my the things I see everyday just paying more attention. This year my sense of wonder came from noticing the small things.
December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
This year I let go of myself. From reading past entries you will know this has been a year that I have felt defeated more than a conqueror and have allowed myself to act like my own worst enemy. Why? I guess more than anything just the pressure of "having it all together" finally got to me and I realized I didn't no matter how big of a smile I put on my face, I just didn't. Thankfully, I am getting back what I let go of and in 2011 I will be the Conqueror! :)
December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
Notes for my roommates and friends. Paper and Crayola Markers....I try to leave them around the house every now and then for them to find--nothing makes a person smile like knowing someone took a second to let them know they were thought of and nothing make makes me smile like being able to have people to leave notes for! As far as wanting to make something...nothing I can really think of-I am not the most creative person in the world so I usually am just one to purchase things already made!
December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
This year a house burned down that belonged to a friend of mine and her husband’s. It was not their house but one that they rented out. Anyway, I posted on Facebook that that this had happened and the child involved was upset because her new pink book bag and school supplies were gone and within minutes I had a number of responses.....some people I did not barely even know arranged to drop items off at my house to give to the family in need. Needless to say, the little girl ended up with a brand new book bag and plenty of school supplies! Her mother and grandmother got quite a few items too!
In 2011 I would LOVE to find a new church community - I was involved in my old church but it was time for a change of scenery and I have still not found a place where I want to stay so that is definitely something that will be changing in 2011!
December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.
It is so difficult for me to talk about myself in this manner....but I did realize something just yesterday on my birthday...almost every single text, call, email, or card I received for my birthday of course said "Happy Birthday" but it also said, "Thanks for always doing so much and for always being there". It was almost as if my birthday cards could double as a "Secretary’s day" card haha!
I have never really thought that I went out of my way for anyone, and I still don't. I just think that is what friends do and assume those people would do the same for me!
December 9 – Party Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.
New Years Eve - 2010 --Went to a cocktail party that benefitted the Boys and Girls Club of York County and it was a FANTASTIC time! Great company, ages varied, heavy horse d vours, the bubbly was flowing and super cute cocktail attire and I even wore some red high heels! Those heels however were not fun once we found out it was a two hour wait on a cab ride so some friends and I decided to take the walk home that was a little over a mile - talk about shenanigans -we documented with pictures along the way! Without fail every time since then that I go over that bridge we walked over I think about that night!
December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
Wow! As awesome as he is knowing when to walk away from my ex. Never will say a bad thing about him. Not only me walking away, but him as well was the wisest decision ever on both of our parts. Otherwise we would be married or almost married at this point and not as happy as we could be. The decision has played out well - He is now married his life seems on track from what I hear and I have taken the past year to reflect on mine and his almost 6 years and decide what I want next and figuring out what changes I need to make to get it - guess you could say I did a lot of soul searching and finally feel like I am finding my way!
I have no doubt we would have been happy, definitely not miserable but definitely not living to our fullest potential. I don't want to be another statistic - not in that area anyway!
December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?
#11) Drama - I know in life we will always be faced with some type of drama but I guess just not letting myself get caught up in it or letting other peoples stuff give me #10)Worry. I worry about worrying. This HAS to get better in 2011 before I drive myself crazy along with everyone around me-big or small I worry about it, everything is not going to always be #9)Perfect. Perfection, I need to lose some of my need for perfection. I need to gain it in some areas such as school, work, my car and bedroom being clean but definitely need to lose it in areas like making sure everyone around me has their lunch packed, shoes tied and all alphabetical order as some would say I am a bit #8) OCD haha I have not been diagnosed but I don't think it would take much being around me to agree that this could be true!
#7) Holding on to hurt....I need to learn to let go easier in 2011. Not necessarily of people but of memories...just the bad ones of course. Once you hurt my feelings, I cannot forget. I am still nice and smile and pretend all is well but more than likely at least once a day something reminds me of that hurtful feeling you once gave me and I cannot #6)Forget. Forgetfulness has GOT TO GO! haha opposite of what I just said huh? well, let me explain....I can tell you what I did 5 years ago but have no recollection of what we talked about 5 minutes ago. In all honesty this is getting kind of bad; in 2011 I have got to be less what’s the word....forgetful. ;)
#5)Gossip - this is something that I am sure is on my list every year since I am a female, however it is still there and something I will do less of in 2011. I say do less of and not stop because I know myself and I know I am human! I really don't gossip a lot so don’t feel as if you tell me something I cannot be trusted but I can. I just seem to have that one, sometimes two people I tell everything to and feel like it is ok because it is not really that important but in reality just because it is not AS important to me does not mean it is not important sooooo mums the word as much as possible from me in 2011! #4)Facebook. SOOO much time spent on facebook - I have to stop letting it consume so much time! Imagine all of the things I could have done this year had I not been worried about how many "likes" my status got!
#3)Death - I had enough in 2010 between my grandfather and uncle....of course this is out of my control and in God's but God if you are reading, can I have a few years off from this horrible heartache of losing loved ones?!#2)Regret. I don't have much, I really don't, but anytime I feel that sting of regret I hope I can remember that everything happens for a reason and is falling into place as it should. Even if something dumb I did now seems pointless and actually never makes any sense to me it was all done in order to lead me where I am! #1) Soft Drinks. I NEED NO SOFT DRINKS...........I NEED to learn to love water and forget about Mt. Dew and Pepsi!
How will you go about eliminating them? Patience, Tolerance and Self Control!
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? Well apparently they are all things that I feel impact me negatively so eliminating these things can only make me happier!
December 12 – Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?
This can be answered in Day 3 I feel like. Blog Entry "Daily Dose 3" I may be not understanding this question?
December 13 – Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
My next step is trying not to figure it out myself but realizing what God has for my next step!
December 14 – Appreciate what’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?
Honesty. Back this summer when I was told "You are human after all...." (Click here for the blog entry explaining) that was a moment that needed to transpire in my life to help me get back on track. Not saying that I am Superwoman but it is nice to know that people sometimes look at me that way!
I express gratitude by hopefully making positive changes that are hopefully evident to those around me!
Yay! I am all caught up...and just think I thought I would not be able to answer them all....who was I kidding - we all know how much I can talk! :) Anyway, I have to run, going to meet a few friends for more birthday fun and don't want to be late. Wow!!! How did I forget tardiness on my list of 11 things?! Friends, I promise I REALLY am working on being late EVERYWHERE - I promise!! :)
December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?
Hmmmm....I have not had a super eventful year full of traveling or seeing many sights or things like that but I have been trying to more aware of my the things I see everyday just paying more attention. This year my sense of wonder came from noticing the small things.
December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
This year I let go of myself. From reading past entries you will know this has been a year that I have felt defeated more than a conqueror and have allowed myself to act like my own worst enemy. Why? I guess more than anything just the pressure of "having it all together" finally got to me and I realized I didn't no matter how big of a smile I put on my face, I just didn't. Thankfully, I am getting back what I let go of and in 2011 I will be the Conqueror! :)
December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
Notes for my roommates and friends. Paper and Crayola Markers....I try to leave them around the house every now and then for them to find--nothing makes a person smile like knowing someone took a second to let them know they were thought of and nothing make makes me smile like being able to have people to leave notes for! As far as wanting to make something...nothing I can really think of-I am not the most creative person in the world so I usually am just one to purchase things already made!
December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
This year a house burned down that belonged to a friend of mine and her husband’s. It was not their house but one that they rented out. Anyway, I posted on Facebook that that this had happened and the child involved was upset because her new pink book bag and school supplies were gone and within minutes I had a number of responses.....some people I did not barely even know arranged to drop items off at my house to give to the family in need. Needless to say, the little girl ended up with a brand new book bag and plenty of school supplies! Her mother and grandmother got quite a few items too!
In 2011 I would LOVE to find a new church community - I was involved in my old church but it was time for a change of scenery and I have still not found a place where I want to stay so that is definitely something that will be changing in 2011!
December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.
It is so difficult for me to talk about myself in this manner....but I did realize something just yesterday on my birthday...almost every single text, call, email, or card I received for my birthday of course said "Happy Birthday" but it also said, "Thanks for always doing so much and for always being there". It was almost as if my birthday cards could double as a "Secretary’s day" card haha!
I have never really thought that I went out of my way for anyone, and I still don't. I just think that is what friends do and assume those people would do the same for me!
December 9 – Party Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.
New Years Eve - 2010 --Went to a cocktail party that benefitted the Boys and Girls Club of York County and it was a FANTASTIC time! Great company, ages varied, heavy horse d vours, the bubbly was flowing and super cute cocktail attire and I even wore some red high heels! Those heels however were not fun once we found out it was a two hour wait on a cab ride so some friends and I decided to take the walk home that was a little over a mile - talk about shenanigans -we documented with pictures along the way! Without fail every time since then that I go over that bridge we walked over I think about that night!
December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
Wow! As awesome as he is knowing when to walk away from my ex. Never will say a bad thing about him. Not only me walking away, but him as well was the wisest decision ever on both of our parts. Otherwise we would be married or almost married at this point and not as happy as we could be. The decision has played out well - He is now married his life seems on track from what I hear and I have taken the past year to reflect on mine and his almost 6 years and decide what I want next and figuring out what changes I need to make to get it - guess you could say I did a lot of soul searching and finally feel like I am finding my way!
I have no doubt we would have been happy, definitely not miserable but definitely not living to our fullest potential. I don't want to be another statistic - not in that area anyway!
December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?
#11) Drama - I know in life we will always be faced with some type of drama but I guess just not letting myself get caught up in it or letting other peoples stuff give me #10)Worry. I worry about worrying. This HAS to get better in 2011 before I drive myself crazy along with everyone around me-big or small I worry about it, everything is not going to always be #9)Perfect. Perfection, I need to lose some of my need for perfection. I need to gain it in some areas such as school, work, my car and bedroom being clean but definitely need to lose it in areas like making sure everyone around me has their lunch packed, shoes tied and all alphabetical order as some would say I am a bit #8) OCD haha I have not been diagnosed but I don't think it would take much being around me to agree that this could be true!
#7) Holding on to hurt....I need to learn to let go easier in 2011. Not necessarily of people but of memories...just the bad ones of course. Once you hurt my feelings, I cannot forget. I am still nice and smile and pretend all is well but more than likely at least once a day something reminds me of that hurtful feeling you once gave me and I cannot #6)Forget. Forgetfulness has GOT TO GO! haha opposite of what I just said huh? well, let me explain....I can tell you what I did 5 years ago but have no recollection of what we talked about 5 minutes ago. In all honesty this is getting kind of bad; in 2011 I have got to be less what’s the word....forgetful. ;)
#5)Gossip - this is something that I am sure is on my list every year since I am a female, however it is still there and something I will do less of in 2011. I say do less of and not stop because I know myself and I know I am human! I really don't gossip a lot so don’t feel as if you tell me something I cannot be trusted but I can. I just seem to have that one, sometimes two people I tell everything to and feel like it is ok because it is not really that important but in reality just because it is not AS important to me does not mean it is not important sooooo mums the word as much as possible from me in 2011! #4)Facebook. SOOO much time spent on facebook - I have to stop letting it consume so much time! Imagine all of the things I could have done this year had I not been worried about how many "likes" my status got!
#3)Death - I had enough in 2010 between my grandfather and uncle....of course this is out of my control and in God's but God if you are reading, can I have a few years off from this horrible heartache of losing loved ones?!#2)Regret. I don't have much, I really don't, but anytime I feel that sting of regret I hope I can remember that everything happens for a reason and is falling into place as it should. Even if something dumb I did now seems pointless and actually never makes any sense to me it was all done in order to lead me where I am! #1) Soft Drinks. I NEED NO SOFT DRINKS...........I NEED to learn to love water and forget about Mt. Dew and Pepsi!
How will you go about eliminating them? Patience, Tolerance and Self Control!
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? Well apparently they are all things that I feel impact me negatively so eliminating these things can only make me happier!
December 12 – Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?
This can be answered in Day 3 I feel like. Blog Entry "Daily Dose 3" I may be not understanding this question?
December 13 – Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
My next step is trying not to figure it out myself but realizing what God has for my next step!
December 14 – Appreciate what’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?
Honesty. Back this summer when I was told "You are human after all...." (Click here for the blog entry explaining) that was a moment that needed to transpire in my life to help me get back on track. Not saying that I am Superwoman but it is nice to know that people sometimes look at me that way!
I express gratitude by hopefully making positive changes that are hopefully evident to those around me!
Yay! I am all caught up...and just think I thought I would not be able to answer them all....who was I kidding - we all know how much I can talk! :) Anyway, I have to run, going to meet a few friends for more birthday fun and don't want to be late. Wow!!! How did I forget tardiness on my list of 11 things?! Friends, I promise I REALLY am working on being late EVERYWHERE - I promise!! :)
December Dose 3
Dec. 3
Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year.
I cannot believe it took me taking more than a second to actually reflect on this one!
For anyone who knows me well, you know that God chose me to be the lucky young lady whose parents get big deal it seems these days-seems to be the trend. However, I was chosen to endure the divorce from hell. My parents got divorced around 13 years ago and they still seem to find reasons to argue and go to court. I am not getting into any details or blaming anyone, in the grand scheme I guess we are all to blame for letting Satan control our actions rather Trusting that God will handle it. Afterall, He is the Supreme Judge, not some man on earth in a black robe! Ok so, now that you kind of know where I am coming from, you can kind of understand why this moment I am going to reflect on was the one moment this year that I felt the most alive!
Dealing with two parents who do not speak-you can imagine how difficult that can make things...this is simply the reason I have banned ever having a wedding-I will def have a destination wedding with just me and the lucky man, I have only had them together at one birthday party since I was 16 (and that was just long enough for my daddy to give me his present- a trip to NYC-awesome gift!), I don't have a picture of just us three from my high school graduation, I am still trying to figure out how to handle the day I have a child and then what about the child's birthday parties....and so on....probably all of the things I would have taken for granted had my parents stayed married or even stayed friends after the divorce.All of that to again help you understand why this is the moment for me or actually the entire day of feeling alive.
May 29, 2010. Me,my little sister, my mama, her husband Mark, my daddy, and his wife Cindy....all sat down in the same building, on the same row, only inches apart from one another and watched my little brother walk across the stage at his high school graduation!! Sounds silly to some I am sure but if you knew our history you would have chills and tears as I do now! I did see some Valium being popped but whatever it takes it was worth it!!
But gets better! After graduation we all (except for Mark - this was all too much for him so he left - his loss-I saw God this day - I hate he missed it!) met up outside to hug brother and take pictures--this is my favorite part, even though it doesn't directly effect me but just knowing that at least one of us three kids actually got to experience this makes me smile--my mama, daddy, and little brother took a picture together! Wow! I was just as envious as I was happy! I will never forget that moment for as long as I live, even though it only lasted as long as it takes the shutter on the camera to click it will last in my heart forever!
Believe it or not there is actually one more part! This is why I said more of an entire day rather than just a moment...after we took the pictures we all went and had lunch together! Of course it was a little weird but everyone was cordial and we had many laughs...I waited for daddy to foot the entire bill but thank God he didn't or I would not have been here to write about this moment because I would have died from a heart attack at the moment he or mama offered to pay for one another haha!
So that is it! The entire day was amazing but the moment of the picture is the moment that I felt the most alive this year.
Unfortunately, the very next day, a new situation arises and our parents are back to as much dissension as ever but at least we had these few hours on May 29, 2010 that now mean so much to me and otherwise probably would not have had I not had to miss out on them in my life to truly understood what these moments really are all about-never take anything for granted--not even the "small" things!!
Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year.
I cannot believe it took me taking more than a second to actually reflect on this one!
For anyone who knows me well, you know that God chose me to be the lucky young lady whose parents get big deal it seems these days-seems to be the trend. However, I was chosen to endure the divorce from hell. My parents got divorced around 13 years ago and they still seem to find reasons to argue and go to court. I am not getting into any details or blaming anyone, in the grand scheme I guess we are all to blame for letting Satan control our actions rather Trusting that God will handle it. Afterall, He is the Supreme Judge, not some man on earth in a black robe! Ok so, now that you kind of know where I am coming from, you can kind of understand why this moment I am going to reflect on was the one moment this year that I felt the most alive!
Dealing with two parents who do not speak-you can imagine how difficult that can make things...this is simply the reason I have banned ever having a wedding-I will def have a destination wedding with just me and the lucky man, I have only had them together at one birthday party since I was 16 (and that was just long enough for my daddy to give me his present- a trip to NYC-awesome gift!), I don't have a picture of just us three from my high school graduation, I am still trying to figure out how to handle the day I have a child and then what about the child's birthday parties....and so on....probably all of the things I would have taken for granted had my parents stayed married or even stayed friends after the divorce.All of that to again help you understand why this is the moment for me or actually the entire day of feeling alive.
May 29, 2010. Me,my little sister, my mama, her husband Mark, my daddy, and his wife Cindy....all sat down in the same building, on the same row, only inches apart from one another and watched my little brother walk across the stage at his high school graduation!! Sounds silly to some I am sure but if you knew our history you would have chills and tears as I do now! I did see some Valium being popped but whatever it takes it was worth it!!
But gets better! After graduation we all (except for Mark - this was all too much for him so he left - his loss-I saw God this day - I hate he missed it!) met up outside to hug brother and take pictures--this is my favorite part, even though it doesn't directly effect me but just knowing that at least one of us three kids actually got to experience this makes me smile--my mama, daddy, and little brother took a picture together! Wow! I was just as envious as I was happy! I will never forget that moment for as long as I live, even though it only lasted as long as it takes the shutter on the camera to click it will last in my heart forever!
Believe it or not there is actually one more part! This is why I said more of an entire day rather than just a moment...after we took the pictures we all went and had lunch together! Of course it was a little weird but everyone was cordial and we had many laughs...I waited for daddy to foot the entire bill but thank God he didn't or I would not have been here to write about this moment because I would have died from a heart attack at the moment he or mama offered to pay for one another haha!
So that is it! The entire day was amazing but the moment of the picture is the moment that I felt the most alive this year.
Unfortunately, the very next day, a new situation arises and our parents are back to as much dissension as ever but at least we had these few hours on May 29, 2010 that now mean so much to me and otherwise probably would not have had I not had to miss out on them in my life to truly understood what these moments really are all about-never take anything for granted--not even the "small" things!!
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Pictures never change, Even when the people in them do. |
December Dose 1 & 2
I am so excited! My friend Katie (Check blog out here!) sent me this great idea that she thought I would enjoy using in my post for the next few weeks and she was correct! The idea behind these posts are to spend the next month reflecting on the past year, and manifesting what is next. So this is how it works...each day Reverb 10 will give a daily prompt, I will then respond to the prompt and then hopefully you will read it!
I will do Dec 1 and Dec 2 today in order to keep on track for the rest of the month. it goes................
Dec. 1, 2010
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010 in one word...Challenge
If you follow my blog I would think you could agree with me here that this is a word that seems to suit 2010 in my life! For beginners we can start with this blog....Thoughts Uncorked all came about from a challenge-me challenging myself to stay off of Facebook for one month in order to have more time to focus on myself instead of everyone else's business that I barely even speak to! Thoughts Uncorked became my outlet of getting out what I needed to get out!
Challenge is also my word of choice because of having to watch my grandfather and uncle take on a challenge each day of staying alive - they did both pass away this year so now I am still facing the challenge of dealing with them no longer being here.
School has been a challenge - It always is with trying to balance work, family, and social life but the Spring semester and the Fall semester have both consisted of Stats classes...I made it through the first with a B and will be completing the next one and last one in a few weeks, hopefully with a passing grade as well!
The old love life has had a few ups and downs as well this year! Since my break up last year I have not really been in a zone to want to take on the challenge of a new relationship. I have dated a few people here and there but nothing that really could ever go anywhere. For a while this frustrated me to no end then I realized this was a time in life I needed to focus on me and my life 100% rather than bringing in someone else and I can honestly say I feel that I am succeeding in this challenge! I do find myself being more open to the idea of a boyfriend now more than I have been....until of course I get that sweaty palm, my throat closes up, nauseated - room is spinning feeling---then I change my mind! ;)
Those are just a few of the reasons that I choose the word challenge. Like I said, if you keep up with this blog then you have seen some of the crazy challenges I have faced and still are facing this year among family, relationships, friends, and myself...I know that 2011 will hold its challenges as well but as Caroll Burnett said, “I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don't work out, that's when I've really learned.”
I am looking forward to more growing!
Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
Organized: Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.-Webster
Is this even feasible for the idea of life? Maybe not since we cannot predict what is coming next but I can make sure whatever comes my way I have everything in place and am as organized as possible to be prepared for it!
Dec. 2
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
It’s taken me a little longer than normal to wrap my brain around this question today. Quite honestly I cannot come up with one thing in my daily life that does not contribute to my writing/blogging.
Yes, I could eliminate Facebook and Twitter but these are outlets in which I share my writings and both of these sites are actually places that give me insights and ideas on what to write about.
I don't sleep very often and when I do it seems like most of the time when I wake up that is when my mind is the freshest and I start writing so in a way even sleeping contributes. I could stay at home more often instead of being such a social butterfly or going out and spending money but once again most of my topics involve discussions I have had with those around me and spending money creates stress which we all know leads to needing to vent!
So I guess the things that do not contribute to my writing and may be considered by some to get in my way really cannot be eliminated at all because they are all a part of my writing process!
So thank you all very much "distractions"!!
I will do Dec 1 and Dec 2 today in order to keep on track for the rest of the month. it goes................
Dec. 1, 2010
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010 in one word...Challenge
If you follow my blog I would think you could agree with me here that this is a word that seems to suit 2010 in my life! For beginners we can start with this blog....Thoughts Uncorked all came about from a challenge-me challenging myself to stay off of Facebook for one month in order to have more time to focus on myself instead of everyone else's business that I barely even speak to! Thoughts Uncorked became my outlet of getting out what I needed to get out!
Challenge is also my word of choice because of having to watch my grandfather and uncle take on a challenge each day of staying alive - they did both pass away this year so now I am still facing the challenge of dealing with them no longer being here.
School has been a challenge - It always is with trying to balance work, family, and social life but the Spring semester and the Fall semester have both consisted of Stats classes...I made it through the first with a B and will be completing the next one and last one in a few weeks, hopefully with a passing grade as well!
The old love life has had a few ups and downs as well this year! Since my break up last year I have not really been in a zone to want to take on the challenge of a new relationship. I have dated a few people here and there but nothing that really could ever go anywhere. For a while this frustrated me to no end then I realized this was a time in life I needed to focus on me and my life 100% rather than bringing in someone else and I can honestly say I feel that I am succeeding in this challenge! I do find myself being more open to the idea of a boyfriend now more than I have been....until of course I get that sweaty palm, my throat closes up, nauseated - room is spinning feeling---then I change my mind! ;)
Those are just a few of the reasons that I choose the word challenge. Like I said, if you keep up with this blog then you have seen some of the crazy challenges I have faced and still are facing this year among family, relationships, friends, and myself...I know that 2011 will hold its challenges as well but as Caroll Burnett said, “I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don't work out, that's when I've really learned.”
I am looking forward to more growing!
Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
Organized: Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.-Webster
Is this even feasible for the idea of life? Maybe not since we cannot predict what is coming next but I can make sure whatever comes my way I have everything in place and am as organized as possible to be prepared for it!
Dec. 2
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
It’s taken me a little longer than normal to wrap my brain around this question today. Quite honestly I cannot come up with one thing in my daily life that does not contribute to my writing/blogging.
Yes, I could eliminate Facebook and Twitter but these are outlets in which I share my writings and both of these sites are actually places that give me insights and ideas on what to write about.
I don't sleep very often and when I do it seems like most of the time when I wake up that is when my mind is the freshest and I start writing so in a way even sleeping contributes. I could stay at home more often instead of being such a social butterfly or going out and spending money but once again most of my topics involve discussions I have had with those around me and spending money creates stress which we all know leads to needing to vent!
So I guess the things that do not contribute to my writing and may be considered by some to get in my way really cannot be eliminated at all because they are all a part of my writing process!
So thank you all very much "distractions"!!
Just what we needed....
Hola! Wow....I have been so busy playing catch up from Thanksgiving vacation I have not had a chance to sit down and write but I am back! :) I have missed this more than I probably should!
I had an absolutely AMAZING Thanksgiving week/end! Me, my mom, brother and sister went to Florida!! We went to visit my brother at his school in Daytona but decided to keep driving a few more miles and went to Orlando so we could visit Universal Studios and Disney World!! So, needless to say we did not have a very traditional Thanksgiving this year....instead we were busy going in loops on roller coasters, meeting Spiderman, Cinderella, and many others! We went to a Miami Heat/Orlando Magic basketball game and enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal which consisted of a turkey leg all of this with more smiles and laughs than I ever thought possible! :) It was so awesome how much each of enjoyed this trip we have taken numerous times before now that we are all older and understand how precious time is and are learning not to take things for granted! This week I have set back a few times and remembered certain moments from the trip and I just start laughing out loud! If you laugh when you are alone then you know some good memories were made!!
If you read my previous post you will remember me saying that this year I choose to be extra thankful for Memories when asked to name one thing I am thankful for....well, that was definitely the right choice for me and I am so thrilled that I got the chance to make so many wonderful new memories with 3 of my favorite people in the entire world!!
Of course I cannot stop without mentioning another awesome event over the last week was the USC Gamecocks beating Clemson....29-7....another great memory!! This weekend I will head to Atlanta to watch USC play in the SEC Championship for their first time---I am so busy soaking up so many new memories and I LOVE it!!
I had an absolutely AMAZING Thanksgiving week/end! Me, my mom, brother and sister went to Florida!! We went to visit my brother at his school in Daytona but decided to keep driving a few more miles and went to Orlando so we could visit Universal Studios and Disney World!! So, needless to say we did not have a very traditional Thanksgiving this year....instead we were busy going in loops on roller coasters, meeting Spiderman, Cinderella, and many others! We went to a Miami Heat/Orlando Magic basketball game and enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal which consisted of a turkey leg all of this with more smiles and laughs than I ever thought possible! :) It was so awesome how much each of enjoyed this trip we have taken numerous times before now that we are all older and understand how precious time is and are learning not to take things for granted! This week I have set back a few times and remembered certain moments from the trip and I just start laughing out loud! If you laugh when you are alone then you know some good memories were made!!
If you read my previous post you will remember me saying that this year I choose to be extra thankful for Memories when asked to name one thing I am thankful for....well, that was definitely the right choice for me and I am so thrilled that I got the chance to make so many wonderful new memories with 3 of my favorite people in the entire world!!
Of course I cannot stop without mentioning another awesome event over the last week was the USC Gamecocks beating Clemson....29-7....another great memory!! This weekend I will head to Atlanta to watch USC play in the SEC Championship for their first time---I am so busy soaking up so many new memories and I LOVE it!!
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Thanksgiving Dinner 2010 |
If your family is like my family then you too probably have the same "dreaded" tradition every Thanksgiving/Christmas when each person says a thing or two they are thankful for. I say "dreaded" because it seems like every year I say, Can we please not do the what your thankful for thing....and we do...and it seems like this is the part where everyone gets all emotional.
Paw Paw always said, "I'm thankful for my family, even though I couldn't give y'all everything I wanted to I am thankful y'all love me anyway" and he would always be holding a white tissue and remove his glasses for just a second to wipe away one alligator tear then continue by making a joke to lighten the mood and say, "Sometimes I'm thankful for my boys and their wives too." Maw Maw Jewel always said, "I just love all of y'all so much" and that was about as much as she could get out because she would be crying and then just wave her hands motioning for the next person to go ahead and give theirs. My cousins who read this - can vouch for me....these words seemed to be a part of the tradition.
In one of the past few years - uncle Terry, as sick as he was....said, "I am thankful for my girls and for my health keeping me here" now as you can imagine....that left not a dry eye in the room....a man who is barely breathing being thankful for his health.....that will make you not complain about your headache huh?! :)
So where I am going with this blog entry? My intentions were to reflect and figure out what I will say this year and how I will word it in as few as words as possible to avoid getting choked up. In the beginning I figured I would just go with the usual...thankful for my family, salvation, job, an amazing year by the Gamecocks (no so usual haha) response has changed.
I just realized that this "dreaded" tradition apparently is one that I don't dread too much if I am taking the time to blog about it and even more than that can remember what people have said. So it must mean more to me than I thought!
I love looking back and remembering things....I never really did it that often before this year. Sometimes I would think about MawMaw after she passed away and stuff she said or did and just laugh because she was always being funny. Maybe because I am older now, but once paw paw passed away I started to realize the only way to keep his presence close is to think back to certain days and times and remember them.
So that is it - that is my response to what I am thankful for. I am going to be thankful for Memories.
Thankful for the ones I have made with the ones who are gone and the ones who are still here!
Also thankful for the memories I will continue to make and be certain not to let an opportunity for a memory making moment pass me by because we never know when that memory is all we will have!
Paw Paw always said, "I'm thankful for my family, even though I couldn't give y'all everything I wanted to I am thankful y'all love me anyway" and he would always be holding a white tissue and remove his glasses for just a second to wipe away one alligator tear then continue by making a joke to lighten the mood and say, "Sometimes I'm thankful for my boys and their wives too." Maw Maw Jewel always said, "I just love all of y'all so much" and that was about as much as she could get out because she would be crying and then just wave her hands motioning for the next person to go ahead and give theirs. My cousins who read this - can vouch for me....these words seemed to be a part of the tradition.
In one of the past few years - uncle Terry, as sick as he was....said, "I am thankful for my girls and for my health keeping me here" now as you can imagine....that left not a dry eye in the room....a man who is barely breathing being thankful for his health.....that will make you not complain about your headache huh?! :)
So where I am going with this blog entry? My intentions were to reflect and figure out what I will say this year and how I will word it in as few as words as possible to avoid getting choked up. In the beginning I figured I would just go with the usual...thankful for my family, salvation, job, an amazing year by the Gamecocks (no so usual haha) response has changed.
I just realized that this "dreaded" tradition apparently is one that I don't dread too much if I am taking the time to blog about it and even more than that can remember what people have said. So it must mean more to me than I thought!
I love looking back and remembering things....I never really did it that often before this year. Sometimes I would think about MawMaw after she passed away and stuff she said or did and just laugh because she was always being funny. Maybe because I am older now, but once paw paw passed away I started to realize the only way to keep his presence close is to think back to certain days and times and remember them.
So that is it - that is my response to what I am thankful for. I am going to be thankful for Memories.
Thankful for the ones I have made with the ones who are gone and the ones who are still here!
Also thankful for the memories I will continue to make and be certain not to let an opportunity for a memory making moment pass me by because we never know when that memory is all we will have!
Let Ourselves be Blind.
I have always hated it when people would say, "It happens when you least expect it." regarding things in life, generally love. Yet with age really does come wisdom and I find myself repeating those same words to people around me and even to myself. It is different now though - they seem to be more than just words, but words with understanding behind them.
I read this today when browsing through a few is an excerpt from "Metamorpheses: A Play" and it caught my attention. Maybe because I have been on both ends of a very similar version of this conversation many times!
A: The soul wanders in the dark, until it finds love. And so, wherever our love goes, there we find our soul.
Q: It always happens?
A: If we're lucky...and if we let ourselves be blind.
Q: Instead of watching out?
A: Always instead of watching out.
It really does seem to ring true...."It happens when you least expect it!"
I read this today when browsing through a few is an excerpt from "Metamorpheses: A Play" and it caught my attention. Maybe because I have been on both ends of a very similar version of this conversation many times!
A: The soul wanders in the dark, until it finds love. And so, wherever our love goes, there we find our soul.
Q: It always happens?
A: If we're lucky...and if we let ourselves be blind.
Q: Instead of watching out?
A: Always instead of watching out.
It really does seem to ring true...."It happens when you least expect it!"
"For it is in Giving that We Receive."
"Tony arrived at Tara Hall late one night with a DSS caseworker from Columbia, SC. He was seven years old, skinny, scrawny, hungry, and filthy dirty. The police in Columbia had found him in a car by the side of the road with his two drunken parents. They had been drunk most of Tony's life. In fact, his mother stayed drunk while pregnant with Tony and as a result, he was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome."
How sad is what you just read?! In a minute I will give you the website so that you can find out what happens to Tony and a few other guys like him!
First let me say that this is totally legit and NOT a chain letter! :) Below is a post from a friend of mine named Chance from my high school in Conway. Let me also say that he did not ask me to post this but after reading what he said on Facebook, with his permission I felt like I needed to re-post it in hopes that it would reach even more people who get the same feeling I did when reading it and will want to help. I know that my family does something similar to this now instead of gift exchanges at our big family Christmas gathering but to me there is a different feeling I get when reading this....Maybe because Chance speaks from personal experience and that makes it more "real" -- I don't know but either way-Please read what he has to say and if you need more info you can comment or email me at and I will be sure to get it to you! Read below! ~FR
OK, guys I have been thinking lately, my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I have been thinking bout this for like 3 weeks and was hesitant to post this but I am going to post it an just see where it goes…
There is a Boys home in Georgetown SC, you can go to their website at check it out. I was in that home for 2 years as a boy and if not for this organization I'd probably be dead or in jail to be quite honest, that's no lie.
Anyways I'm not getting into my story but I do want to tell you about theirs, they have a lot of boys out there that have been in trouble, abused, abandoned, or whatever the case may be (when I was there I was a trouble maker lol), and they run completely off donations. They receive no money from the government.
I called the Director Jim Dumm, he was there when I was, and he gave me the ok to do this for them. He said at Christmas they get a ton of toys for the kids, however they're low on money, they do have to feed the boys and pay the bills out there.
So I was thinking hmmmmm I have like 304 people on my friends list on Facebook, If I just got half of them which would be 152 people to volunteer $3.00 that would be $456.00 we could give these guys! Every year they have a Christmas party at a place called Jamaica Joes in NMB, I would present the check there, and would post pictures later on Facebook, heck you could come out and show your support if you wanted. I'll probably take my boys maybe it will show them they need to appreciate what they got, cause if they see all the kids it will make them appreciative. My little boy has to be reminded of that every once in a while lol. They did the same Christmas party when I was a kid.
Problem is how do we get the money from 152 different people, the best solution I could come up with is, you writing out a $3.00 check to Tara Hall Home For Boys, and I could just give them all to Jim Dumm.
If anybody has any other suggestions let me know, I would like to do this every year in the future, this is my first year so it's a learning process.
Guys lets do it, man these kids do not have a nice home like you and your kids have and they certainly not with their family like you and I, what's $3.00?! You spend that on a soda and a pack of crackers! $3.00 from one person ain't much but when you got 300 people doing it, it becomes a big deal, and can make a huge impact!
If you want to get on board with me inbox me. Ill even start the donations off by laying down a $100. Lets get it guys!
Ok back to me now - See why I wanted to post it? How awesome is that?! Just think - you can probably find $3.00 around your car, the bottom of your purse, under you couch cushions!
Like I said, if you want to help out--let me know and I will get your gift to him or you can send a check directly to:
Chance Cooper 3302 Wall Lane Conway SC 29527
*Remember write it out to Tara Hall Home For Boys.
Please visit the website - if you click "The Boys" you can finish reading about Tony and read the stories of a few others and where they are now!
I also learned from the site that Tara Hall operates continually at or near its capacity of 24 boys....that is 24 mouths to feed of growing young men and 24 bodies to keep warm - so please think about helping if you are able! :)
I Love this time of year!!
How sad is what you just read?! In a minute I will give you the website so that you can find out what happens to Tony and a few other guys like him!
First let me say that this is totally legit and NOT a chain letter! :) Below is a post from a friend of mine named Chance from my high school in Conway. Let me also say that he did not ask me to post this but after reading what he said on Facebook, with his permission I felt like I needed to re-post it in hopes that it would reach even more people who get the same feeling I did when reading it and will want to help. I know that my family does something similar to this now instead of gift exchanges at our big family Christmas gathering but to me there is a different feeling I get when reading this....Maybe because Chance speaks from personal experience and that makes it more "real" -- I don't know but either way-Please read what he has to say and if you need more info you can comment or email me at and I will be sure to get it to you! Read below! ~FR
OK, guys I have been thinking lately, my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I have been thinking bout this for like 3 weeks and was hesitant to post this but I am going to post it an just see where it goes…
There is a Boys home in Georgetown SC, you can go to their website at check it out. I was in that home for 2 years as a boy and if not for this organization I'd probably be dead or in jail to be quite honest, that's no lie.
Anyways I'm not getting into my story but I do want to tell you about theirs, they have a lot of boys out there that have been in trouble, abused, abandoned, or whatever the case may be (when I was there I was a trouble maker lol), and they run completely off donations. They receive no money from the government.
I called the Director Jim Dumm, he was there when I was, and he gave me the ok to do this for them. He said at Christmas they get a ton of toys for the kids, however they're low on money, they do have to feed the boys and pay the bills out there.
So I was thinking hmmmmm I have like 304 people on my friends list on Facebook, If I just got half of them which would be 152 people to volunteer $3.00 that would be $456.00 we could give these guys! Every year they have a Christmas party at a place called Jamaica Joes in NMB, I would present the check there, and would post pictures later on Facebook, heck you could come out and show your support if you wanted. I'll probably take my boys maybe it will show them they need to appreciate what they got, cause if they see all the kids it will make them appreciative. My little boy has to be reminded of that every once in a while lol. They did the same Christmas party when I was a kid.
Problem is how do we get the money from 152 different people, the best solution I could come up with is, you writing out a $3.00 check to Tara Hall Home For Boys, and I could just give them all to Jim Dumm.
If anybody has any other suggestions let me know, I would like to do this every year in the future, this is my first year so it's a learning process.
Guys lets do it, man these kids do not have a nice home like you and your kids have and they certainly not with their family like you and I, what's $3.00?! You spend that on a soda and a pack of crackers! $3.00 from one person ain't much but when you got 300 people doing it, it becomes a big deal, and can make a huge impact!
If you want to get on board with me inbox me. Ill even start the donations off by laying down a $100. Lets get it guys!
Ok back to me now - See why I wanted to post it? How awesome is that?! Just think - you can probably find $3.00 around your car, the bottom of your purse, under you couch cushions!
Like I said, if you want to help out--let me know and I will get your gift to him or you can send a check directly to:
Chance Cooper 3302 Wall Lane Conway SC 29527
*Remember write it out to Tara Hall Home For Boys.
Please visit the website - if you click "The Boys" you can finish reading about Tony and read the stories of a few others and where they are now!
I also learned from the site that Tara Hall operates continually at or near its capacity of 24 boys....that is 24 mouths to feed of growing young men and 24 bodies to keep warm - so please think about helping if you are able! :)
I Love this time of year!!
I hear you sir! :)
Since I was a little girl my Paw Paw always had this little poem/rhyme he would say every year around this time. Eventually I memorized it along with some of my other cousins and would just chime right in when he started reciting it or sometimes I would start and he would chime in. By the time I was older, we would say it regardless of what time of the year it was just something to say during a Braves game when they were losing or any other time you needed a guaranteed smile. I can even remember saying it while he was in the hospital and at home with Hospice, no matter how little strength he had, he could get those words out and a smile. It was like he was proud because he was the one I learned it from and I am sure he knew it was a guaranteed smile too which is why he was certain to gain enough strength and composure to recite even days before he passed away. I will never forget the last time we said it together in person. I am not really a person who cries - I will at a movie or a TV show but in real life situations I am too busy trying to fix them to stop and cry about them but on this day I cried, like really cried. I remember saying, "Paw Paw please don't let that be the last time we say that" and hearing myself say that and in a way admitting to myself this was the last time made me burst into tears and I just laid my head in his lap and cried like baby for the first time ever in front him about him being sick.
Everytime, without fail, no matter who started it first he would smile the biggest smile and say, "You like that don't you? I can't believe you always remembered that." Sometimes he would marvel at the fact that, out of all of the things he ever taught me for that to stick out in my head means that I have a big heart because I understand everyone can't give and I still want God to bless them. I laugh through my tears while typing this because that is SO him....taking a simple nursery rhyme and over analyzing and applying it to my life. I guess I get it honest huh?!
This morning as I first stepped outside to take Miss Costa out this rhyme came to mind and for a few seconds every thought in my head that pertained to my "to do list" for today just stopped and all I could hear along with my voice was his, for just a few splendid seconds I got see him smile and hear him say, "You like that don't you? I can't believe you always remembered that." when we were finished.
He has been gone for seven months and sometimes it feels like forever ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday but no matter what the calendar says or how my heart feels I will take times like this morning anytime I can get them!
Christmas Is Comin'
Christmas is comin', the turkey is gettin' fat!
Please put a nickel in the old man's hat!
If ya ain't got a nickel, a 'penny will do!
If ya ain't got a penny, well then God bless you!
Everytime, without fail, no matter who started it first he would smile the biggest smile and say, "You like that don't you? I can't believe you always remembered that." Sometimes he would marvel at the fact that, out of all of the things he ever taught me for that to stick out in my head means that I have a big heart because I understand everyone can't give and I still want God to bless them. I laugh through my tears while typing this because that is SO him....taking a simple nursery rhyme and over analyzing and applying it to my life. I guess I get it honest huh?!
This morning as I first stepped outside to take Miss Costa out this rhyme came to mind and for a few seconds every thought in my head that pertained to my "to do list" for today just stopped and all I could hear along with my voice was his, for just a few splendid seconds I got see him smile and hear him say, "You like that don't you? I can't believe you always remembered that." when we were finished.
He has been gone for seven months and sometimes it feels like forever ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday but no matter what the calendar says or how my heart feels I will take times like this morning anytime I can get them!
Christmas Is Comin'
Christmas is comin', the turkey is gettin' fat!
Please put a nickel in the old man's hat!
If ya ain't got a nickel, a 'penny will do!
If ya ain't got a penny, well then God bless you!
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I am still squeezing Paw-Paw--Love you!! |
What else?!
What else would I possibly want to talk about today?! Check out this AMAZING video - it says it ALL!!
Gooooooooo Cocks!
Gooooooooo Cocks!
A Mess or A Lesson?!
I have been incognito this week! I have been a little under the weather but quite honestly I just haven't really been very inspired too much this week. Just one of those weeks where I have been so busy I haven't had time to really think about stuff or so I thought!
Fortunately, all of this changed Wednesday night! :) As I mentioned, I have not felt well this week and that in turn has caused me not to sleep very much. So instead of even trying to lay there for hours and hours, tossing and turning I decided to clean my room. Not just "pick up" my room but really clean it. I am pretty organized when it comes to planning out my day, getting things done, or trying to just plan stuff in general. I try to make sure that toilets, sink, showers....things like that are clean but when it comes to organization in my car or bedroom you would think that a tornado ripped through! I did recently clean out my car and have done well at keeping it that way, but my bedroom floor has not been visible in a few weeks!
I am not about to even try and justify this messy room seeing as how part of cleaning up involved unpacking from Kaci's wedding which was October 9th BUT I must say that my bedroom does seem to be the congregation area when the girls are over getting ready and quite a few things I picked up amongst the disaster was not mine! ;)
Anyway, now that I am done confessing I am a slob and giving excuses on to the real reason I am telling you this! As I was cleaning (which started about 9:30pm) I was sitting there on my bedroom floor picking up clothes, deciding if they were clean or dirty, deciding which laundry pile to place them in, deciding if they should go in the pile to hang or the pile to fold, deciding if I were ever going to wear them again or should give them away and deciding if they were mine or one the girls ;) ....Told you I am organized! So in the midst of all of this decision making and about two hours later, of course Miss Costa needs to go outside to potty, I was on a roll and did not want to stop but I figured I better or I would have her mess to clean up too! So I stand up, stretch and look wow. wow. It was then I realized it was a good thing I could not sleep because not only was my floor not visible neither was my bed now and I was going to be up for quite a while!
Miss Costa did her little dance outside, we came back in and I got back to work. Finally at 2:30am I could see my floor and almost all of my bed! I put the last few things away and looked around and what I saw this time was much better than what I saw a few hours ago!
Well any normal person would be pleased and go to bed, especially since I have to be up for work in about four hours but instead I opened up one of my drawers that I had been stuffing things in all night, and then another drawer, and then another until they were all opened and emptied...on my bedroom floor! So here I find myself again, in the same place, in the middle of a mess and knowing I cannot stop or it will stay this way. So after almost another two hours of decision making I can finally see my floor again, I can close my drawers without having stuff hanging out and even better I can open them without having to stick my hand in the drawer and having to flatten stuff down and pulling really hard to open it - they are all nice and neat now! Yay! Yes, it may have taken me a very long time and I definitely lost way to much sleep but it is just sleep, I can catch up on that! My bedroom being organized feels way better than any sleep could have!
Finally in bed, hoping to pass out fast but instead I lay there and my wheels start turning and I start thinking about how my messy room related to our messes in life sometimes. I made myself stop thinking so I could sleep and decided I would think about it later, so I am doing that now! Isn't it crazy how sometimes the most unrelated things can seem to be not so unrelated when we really think about it? I love it when this happens - these are the moments of inspiration I mentioned earlier!
Thinking back on cleaning my bedroom made me think about life and how we get lazy and life gets messy. We have our friends who sometimes add to the mess and we can try to point blame all we want but at the end of the day, the majority of the mess is ours and we are to blame! Once we get to the point of realizing we have to do something about the mess in our life, we have have to remember that the cleaning up part is not going to be easy or fast. It will take lots of decisions, perseverance and time. Now that we understand that we can start cleaning up the mess we have made and we have also remember that in cleaning one mess we do not see instant results but sometimes make an even bigger mess or what seems like a bigger mess but is really just the beginning of the cleaning process, even though it may not feel like it or we cannot see it we are making progress....we are moving so we have to be. If we get overwhelmed and just stay still or put it off for a better day like I thought about doing in my bedroom we will not get anywhere and just be surrounded by a bigger mess so we have to keep going until we can see the floor!
We finally get to the point in life where everything is better, our mess seems to be gone and then it happens....another mess comes along. Maybe it is because we "stuffed some things in drawers" instead of REALLY cleaning them up or one we thought would not be that big of deal to let go a little longer, either way we must understand that cleaning up messes is a continuous part of our lives! Since that sounds like pretty depressing news I will try to cheer you up.
Yes, life is a mess that we will spend forever cleaning only to find another mess but guess what?! When I was cleaning my room, I found clothes that I thought I would never see again, found some that I tried that I could fit into which was an awesome surprise and some that I had forgotten I had but was so happy to see them and remember them! This is the same with these messes we have to remember to realize in every step along the way what we found and learned or relearned about our self that we may have forgotten...not just at the end when it is clean--don't just be happy then, but be happy and thankful for the journey and growth you are experiencing- you will feel much better along the way if you let these problems lead you to realizations that help you instead of hurt you!
Fortunately, all of this changed Wednesday night! :) As I mentioned, I have not felt well this week and that in turn has caused me not to sleep very much. So instead of even trying to lay there for hours and hours, tossing and turning I decided to clean my room. Not just "pick up" my room but really clean it. I am pretty organized when it comes to planning out my day, getting things done, or trying to just plan stuff in general. I try to make sure that toilets, sink, showers....things like that are clean but when it comes to organization in my car or bedroom you would think that a tornado ripped through! I did recently clean out my car and have done well at keeping it that way, but my bedroom floor has not been visible in a few weeks!
I am not about to even try and justify this messy room seeing as how part of cleaning up involved unpacking from Kaci's wedding which was October 9th BUT I must say that my bedroom does seem to be the congregation area when the girls are over getting ready and quite a few things I picked up amongst the disaster was not mine! ;)
Anyway, now that I am done confessing I am a slob and giving excuses on to the real reason I am telling you this! As I was cleaning (which started about 9:30pm) I was sitting there on my bedroom floor picking up clothes, deciding if they were clean or dirty, deciding which laundry pile to place them in, deciding if they should go in the pile to hang or the pile to fold, deciding if I were ever going to wear them again or should give them away and deciding if they were mine or one the girls ;) ....Told you I am organized! So in the midst of all of this decision making and about two hours later, of course Miss Costa needs to go outside to potty, I was on a roll and did not want to stop but I figured I better or I would have her mess to clean up too! So I stand up, stretch and look wow. wow. It was then I realized it was a good thing I could not sleep because not only was my floor not visible neither was my bed now and I was going to be up for quite a while!
Miss Costa did her little dance outside, we came back in and I got back to work. Finally at 2:30am I could see my floor and almost all of my bed! I put the last few things away and looked around and what I saw this time was much better than what I saw a few hours ago!
Well any normal person would be pleased and go to bed, especially since I have to be up for work in about four hours but instead I opened up one of my drawers that I had been stuffing things in all night, and then another drawer, and then another until they were all opened and emptied...on my bedroom floor! So here I find myself again, in the same place, in the middle of a mess and knowing I cannot stop or it will stay this way. So after almost another two hours of decision making I can finally see my floor again, I can close my drawers without having stuff hanging out and even better I can open them without having to stick my hand in the drawer and having to flatten stuff down and pulling really hard to open it - they are all nice and neat now! Yay! Yes, it may have taken me a very long time and I definitely lost way to much sleep but it is just sleep, I can catch up on that! My bedroom being organized feels way better than any sleep could have!
Finally in bed, hoping to pass out fast but instead I lay there and my wheels start turning and I start thinking about how my messy room related to our messes in life sometimes. I made myself stop thinking so I could sleep and decided I would think about it later, so I am doing that now! Isn't it crazy how sometimes the most unrelated things can seem to be not so unrelated when we really think about it? I love it when this happens - these are the moments of inspiration I mentioned earlier!
Thinking back on cleaning my bedroom made me think about life and how we get lazy and life gets messy. We have our friends who sometimes add to the mess and we can try to point blame all we want but at the end of the day, the majority of the mess is ours and we are to blame! Once we get to the point of realizing we have to do something about the mess in our life, we have have to remember that the cleaning up part is not going to be easy or fast. It will take lots of decisions, perseverance and time. Now that we understand that we can start cleaning up the mess we have made and we have also remember that in cleaning one mess we do not see instant results but sometimes make an even bigger mess or what seems like a bigger mess but is really just the beginning of the cleaning process, even though it may not feel like it or we cannot see it we are making progress....we are moving so we have to be. If we get overwhelmed and just stay still or put it off for a better day like I thought about doing in my bedroom we will not get anywhere and just be surrounded by a bigger mess so we have to keep going until we can see the floor!
We finally get to the point in life where everything is better, our mess seems to be gone and then it happens....another mess comes along. Maybe it is because we "stuffed some things in drawers" instead of REALLY cleaning them up or one we thought would not be that big of deal to let go a little longer, either way we must understand that cleaning up messes is a continuous part of our lives! Since that sounds like pretty depressing news I will try to cheer you up.
Yes, life is a mess that we will spend forever cleaning only to find another mess but guess what?! When I was cleaning my room, I found clothes that I thought I would never see again, found some that I tried that I could fit into which was an awesome surprise and some that I had forgotten I had but was so happy to see them and remember them! This is the same with these messes we have to remember to realize in every step along the way what we found and learned or relearned about our self that we may have forgotten...not just at the end when it is clean--don't just be happy then, but be happy and thankful for the journey and growth you are experiencing- you will feel much better along the way if you let these problems lead you to realizations that help you instead of hurt you!
"My only worry in the the tide gonna reach my chair..."
I am having one of those days today, the kind where I feel overwhelmed and like nothing in the world could help me make sense out of anything in life more than the ocean. I know it sounds crazy and talking to a friend seems like it would be much more beneficial but talking to the ocean is like talking to God except for you can see talk, He listens, then He talks. If we can stop questioning what he says while he is talking we can hear Him and suddenly everything just seems to make sense...even if it doesn't right at that very moment, you know that at some point down the road it will.
It is amazing how something so large, loud, powerful....can be so calming, not cost a penny and not be judgmental.
I love nothing better in this world than to just sit on the sand, stare into the ocean and pray and think and listen....just ponder all of the millions of questions I have in my head - most of the time I seem to get answers for a lot of them and the ones I don't get answers to, I realize really are not as important as I thought they were on the drive over.
There are song lyrics, "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean"...those words are so true we should never feel we are bigger or more powerful than the ocean but isn't it awesome how just by sitting near the ocean for a few you seem to be reminded that you can do great things....just when you are feeling overwhelmed, worthless, not good enough, you should give up, like there is no point in trying.....the clapping of the waves make you feel like their cheering is for you and remind you that there is hope and you do have what it are reminded of your worth.
The salty air, bundled up in a blanket, choosing the perfect spot of my choice, with a chair sculpted by God....just for me out of sand, the sound of waves rolling and crashing in...that is where I want to be right now...something about the ocean and all that surrounds it - makes you think about only the things you enjoy thinking about!
"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
It's always our self we find in the sea."
~e.e. cummings
It is amazing how something so large, loud, powerful....can be so calming, not cost a penny and not be judgmental.
I love nothing better in this world than to just sit on the sand, stare into the ocean and pray and think and listen....just ponder all of the millions of questions I have in my head - most of the time I seem to get answers for a lot of them and the ones I don't get answers to, I realize really are not as important as I thought they were on the drive over.
There are song lyrics, "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean"...those words are so true we should never feel we are bigger or more powerful than the ocean but isn't it awesome how just by sitting near the ocean for a few you seem to be reminded that you can do great things....just when you are feeling overwhelmed, worthless, not good enough, you should give up, like there is no point in trying.....the clapping of the waves make you feel like their cheering is for you and remind you that there is hope and you do have what it are reminded of your worth.
The salty air, bundled up in a blanket, choosing the perfect spot of my choice, with a chair sculpted by God....just for me out of sand, the sound of waves rolling and crashing in...that is where I want to be right now...something about the ocean and all that surrounds it - makes you think about only the things you enjoy thinking about!
"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
It's always our self we find in the sea."
~e.e. cummings
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This is a pic I took this summer - one of my favorites! |
This is a cute article and a video of Cocky - you dont really have to read the article - just watch the video and look for the poor child wearing orange to get the point! :) Click Here!
Hoping for a WIN tomorrow!!!
U! S! C! Gooooooooooo Cocks!!
Hoping for a WIN tomorrow!!!
U! S! C! Gooooooooooo Cocks!!
As much as I enjoy reading, I have somehow never ran across this poem-someone told me about it last night so I read it and thought about it a few times today. To better understand its meaning I researched other peoples thoughts and that led me to come up with a few of my own to-whether I am right or wrong it has a great meaning to me, but you don't have to agree, we can each have our own interpretation!
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
~William Ernest Henley
In the first stanza he seems to be experiencing some kind of despair, or a dark moment in life and he prays. However, (this is my favorite part) he doesnt pray for Strength to continue but rather gives thanks for the Strength he has had in the past.This reminds me of the song lyrics "Praise Him in the storm".
The second stanza it appears he has overcome his despair and he is able to admit that he did have a tough time in life, yet he was able to bravely overcome it!
The third stanza makes me think he is referring to death "Beyond this place of wrath and tears" his "suffering" has come to an end for good. Even though he overcame suffering in stanza two, we all know that life is full of ups and downs but death is the end of the roller coaster ride. He is not being morbid but showing that he is brave enough to continue in life, good or bad, because he knows that it does come to an end one day, and he is not afraid.
The fourth stanza really throws me for a loop but it seems to be a follow up from the third stanza explaining that once death comes, you have the "strait gates" of Heaven to enter through but he accepts whatever judgement he has to face. The author is an atheist so the last two lines basically say he is in charge of his own fate and his own destiny which is so confusing to me based on some of the other points he made.
Even though I am definitely not sure if any of my interpretation of this is correct - the point that it made to me is that through the good and the bad remain strong and continue fighting - don't give up...don't only remember to pray for strength going forward but to remember to be thankful for what you have already conquered! Remember to hold on to your dignity in any situation that life places before you and keep on moving!
Embrace Them All
We have all probably heard this poem a few times, I may have even posted it before-it is definitely one of my favorites! LatelyI have found myself applying it more and more. Sometimes in my own life and sometimes when talking to my friends. This author is unknown but I would love to know who they are so I could shake their hand - these words make SO much sense when you sit back and think about different people/relationships in your own life! This is definitely one for the "Save Forever" file! :)
People come into your life for
a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.
When you know which one it is,
you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then,without any wrongdoing on your part
or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something
to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered
and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order
to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Know do you uunderstand why I love these words so much--they are so easy to apply!!
Reasons - You have to love these people - they really do seem to come at just the right help us get over a break-up, distract us during a death, help us get through a class or certain task at work, moving to a new place and so on...I find that we often seem to get Reason and Lifetime mixed up and then when "Mr or Mrs Reason" is gone we are left feeling empty and lonely...but don't be! Think back...this person came in your life at the "perfect time" got you through something that could have been way harder had they not been around and are now gone...if they were truly a Lifetime, first of all they wouldn't be gone right now and second of all they wouldn't need a reason.
Seasons - I love Season friends....these people are always your friends. The kind you see out and about, give a big hug and spend a minute reminiscing about the time you toilet papered someones house or went skydiving. You just are may not be as close as you were for a short period of time, but still friends. This is the relationship that seems to always come along after the "Reason" is gone and helps us remember how to laugh, gets us back to ourselves so we can move on from that reason relationship!
Lifetimes - Aside from family, you will figure out who your lifetimes are...these are the people who make you the angriest when "Reason" is gone because they remind you that he/she was just that...a reason - Lifetime is the person who tells you the truth no matter how painful and they know that they have to be honest with you because not only would you do the same for them but also because you are the person they will be growing with, stumbling with, laughing with, fighting with and loving for a lifetime!
People come into your life for
a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.
When you know which one it is,
you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then,without any wrongdoing on your part
or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something
to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered
and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order
to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Know do you uunderstand why I love these words so much--they are so easy to apply!!
Reasons - You have to love these people - they really do seem to come at just the right help us get over a break-up, distract us during a death, help us get through a class or certain task at work, moving to a new place and so on...I find that we often seem to get Reason and Lifetime mixed up and then when "Mr or Mrs Reason" is gone we are left feeling empty and lonely...but don't be! Think back...this person came in your life at the "perfect time" got you through something that could have been way harder had they not been around and are now gone...if they were truly a Lifetime, first of all they wouldn't be gone right now and second of all they wouldn't need a reason.
Seasons - I love Season friends....these people are always your friends. The kind you see out and about, give a big hug and spend a minute reminiscing about the time you toilet papered someones house or went skydiving. You just are may not be as close as you were for a short period of time, but still friends. This is the relationship that seems to always come along after the "Reason" is gone and helps us remember how to laugh, gets us back to ourselves so we can move on from that reason relationship!
Lifetimes - Aside from family, you will figure out who your lifetimes are...these are the people who make you the angriest when "Reason" is gone because they remind you that he/she was just that...a reason - Lifetime is the person who tells you the truth no matter how painful and they know that they have to be honest with you because not only would you do the same for them but also because you are the person they will be growing with, stumbling with, laughing with, fighting with and loving for a lifetime!
ABC's of me!
The ABC's of me! Fill it out and do it for yourself! How to? Go to add note, copy and paste this in your note, add your own information, then publish!
A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: Queen
C- Chore you hate: folding laundry
D - Dog's name: Bella "Costa"
E - Essential start to your day: Adderall
F - Favorite color: red
G - Gold or Silver: depends
H - Height: 5'2"
I - Instruments you play: none.
J- Job title: Outside Sales Support
K - Kid(s): zero
L - Living Arrangements: "The 925" with the roomies :)
M - Mom's name: Karen
N - Nicknames: Faithy
O - Overnight hospital stay: scarlet fever when I was younger
P - Pet Peeves: arrogance
Q - Quotes you like: I could go for days - but here is just one: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." — Albert Einstein
S - Siblings: One baby sister, One baby brother.
T - Time you wake up: changes daily but my goal is 6:30am
U- Underwear: pretty :)
V - Vegetable you dislike: can't really think of one...
W- Ways you run late: No matter what I do I am late....inevitable.
X - X-rays you've had: teeth,broken arm, wrist, foot,concussions....
Y- Yummy stuff you make: butterfinger cake YUMMY!!!!!!!!!
Z - Zoo Animals: gross.
A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: Queen
C- Chore you hate: folding laundry
D - Dog's name: Bella "Costa"
E - Essential start to your day: Adderall
F - Favorite color: red
G - Gold or Silver: depends
H - Height: 5'2"
I - Instruments you play: none.
J- Job title: Outside Sales Support
K - Kid(s): zero
L - Living Arrangements: "The 925" with the roomies :)
M - Mom's name: Karen
N - Nicknames: Faithy
O - Overnight hospital stay: scarlet fever when I was younger
P - Pet Peeves: arrogance
Q - Quotes you like: I could go for days - but here is just one: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." — Albert Einstein
S - Siblings: One baby sister, One baby brother.
T - Time you wake up: changes daily but my goal is 6:30am
U- Underwear: pretty :)
V - Vegetable you dislike: can't really think of one...
W- Ways you run late: No matter what I do I am late....inevitable.
X - X-rays you've had: teeth,broken arm, wrist, foot,concussions....
Y- Yummy stuff you make: butterfinger cake YUMMY!!!!!!!!!
Z - Zoo Animals: gross.
Even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.....
Woke up in a "poor me" state of mind so I went back to something I had saved one other time...very simple words with great meaning. Definitely a good reminder this morning!
Forgive Me When I Whine
Today upon a bus, I saw
A lovely maid with golden hair;
I envied her - she seemed so happy -
And oh, I wished I were so fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle,
She had one foot and wore a crutch,
But as she passed, a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two feet - the world is mine.
And when I stopped to buy some sweets,
The lad who served me had such charm;
He seemed to radiate good cheer,
His manner was so kind and warm.
I said, "It's nice to deal with you,
Such courtesy I seldom find."
He turned and said, "Oh, thank you, sir!"
And I saw that he was blind.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two eyes - the world is mine.
Then, when walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play;
It seemed he knew not what to do,
I stopped a moment, then I said:
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word,
And then I knew; He could not hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two ears - the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go,
With eyes to see the sunset's glow,
With ears to hear what I should know:
I'm blessed indeed, The world is mine;
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
--- Red Foley ---
Forgive Me When I Whine
Today upon a bus, I saw
A lovely maid with golden hair;
I envied her - she seemed so happy -
And oh, I wished I were so fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle,
She had one foot and wore a crutch,
But as she passed, a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two feet - the world is mine.
And when I stopped to buy some sweets,
The lad who served me had such charm;
He seemed to radiate good cheer,
His manner was so kind and warm.
I said, "It's nice to deal with you,
Such courtesy I seldom find."
He turned and said, "Oh, thank you, sir!"
And I saw that he was blind.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two eyes - the world is mine.
Then, when walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play;
It seemed he knew not what to do,
I stopped a moment, then I said:
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word,
And then I knew; He could not hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;
I have two ears - the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go,
With eyes to see the sunset's glow,
With ears to hear what I should know:
I'm blessed indeed, The world is mine;
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
--- Red Foley ---
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret."
— Miguel Ruiz
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret."
— Miguel Ruiz
Life ain't always beautiful...but it's a beautiful ride...
Thanks to my girls for the reminding of the scene from "My Best Friends Wedding" :)
Amber Maleigha Covington/ Katie Pelton : "Crème Brulée can never be Jello! YOU could never be Jello!"....
Faith Ramsey:"But I HAVE to be Jello!" ♥
Amber Maleigha Covington/ Katie Pelton : "Crème Brulée can never be Jello! YOU could never be Jello!"....
Faith Ramsey:"But I HAVE to be Jello!" ♥
Keep Your Head in the Clouds Brother
I knew that he was growing up a few weeks ago and as we hung up the phone he said,
"Hey sis - take care of Mom for me."
but it is crazy to me that this change from boyhood to manhood is so evident to quickly and from so far away!
I asked Vincent to start a blog since he is at more than a "book" college so that not only I could could keep up with him, but also so that when he is done in four years he can look back on some of his amazing daily adventures and see how far he has come.
Brother is in his Freshman year at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida. Along with academics he is also learning to fly!! That is a huge reason I wanted him to blog - he is getting to experience on a daily basis what most of us could never even fathom dreaming of! How fortunate is that?!
He has only posted twice in his blog but just in those post I am reassured that he seems to have his head in the right place - in the clouds in his case haha -
Check him out and follow if you want - maybe if he has more people than his annoying big sister interested he will start posting some good adventures and even pictures from the sky!! :)
I get to see him AND my little sister this weekend - sooooooo excited-nothing in the world could make me least for the first hour or so and then of course we will find something to roll our eyes at one another about!! Gotta love sibling rivalry....ooooops, I mean LOVE! :)
VINCENTS BLOG (iflyairplanes)
"Hey sis - take care of Mom for me."
but it is crazy to me that this change from boyhood to manhood is so evident to quickly and from so far away!
I asked Vincent to start a blog since he is at more than a "book" college so that not only I could could keep up with him, but also so that when he is done in four years he can look back on some of his amazing daily adventures and see how far he has come.
Brother is in his Freshman year at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida. Along with academics he is also learning to fly!! That is a huge reason I wanted him to blog - he is getting to experience on a daily basis what most of us could never even fathom dreaming of! How fortunate is that?!
He has only posted twice in his blog but just in those post I am reassured that he seems to have his head in the right place - in the clouds in his case haha -
Check him out and follow if you want - maybe if he has more people than his annoying big sister interested he will start posting some good adventures and even pictures from the sky!! :)
I get to see him AND my little sister this weekend - sooooooo excited-nothing in the world could make me least for the first hour or so and then of course we will find something to roll our eyes at one another about!! Gotta love sibling rivalry....ooooops, I mean LOVE! :)
VINCENTS BLOG (iflyairplanes)
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brother,sister,& me (1994) |
The Hand We Are Dealt....
In life, some of us seem to be just born into the worst circumstances possible and then there are others who seem to not have a clue that there even are unfortunate circumstances in life. Me, for example, yeah I have had a few "ugh" moments in my life, but if I really think back, my biggest would be my parents’ divorce. As horrible of a time as I had with this and quite honestly still do 13 or so years later - I am so fortunate to still have them both alive. I have never had to deal with losing a sibling at an early age, which I almost feel would be my ultimate pain. I wake up every morning able to see, hear, talk, walk, laugh, think....I was not born without or have not had some terrible accident causing me to lose any of these God given abilities we often seem to take for granted. I have always had a roof over my head. I have never had any type of traumatizing experience- other than a water slide my daddy made me ride once, that was WAY too high for my excitement! So yes, as bad as my parents getting divorced hurts and as bad as sometimes feeling like I have no sense of direction in my life other than to just keep going, I would say I am pretty fortunate to have been brought into my circumstances.
Then we have those others whose life just seems to "suck" for a better lack of a word - you look at them and think - 'wow, I am glad that is not me' –
This week I sent my cousin, Morgan a card- in my opinion her life is one of those I can say ’wow, I am glad that is not me' about. At the young age of 23 she has already been through more horrific times throughout her short life than I dare to even discuss - not only for her privacy but also because some of her situations are more repulsive than I ever want to have to think about, much less write about. We will just say, she is out of that horrible situation, still dealing with the mental effects that come with it but she is definitely a brave survivor in my eyes! On top of the other unfortunate circumstances in Morgan’s life, her father passed away a little over two weeks ago. If you have read past blogs you remember reading about my uncle Terry that is her daddy.
Earlier this week after thinking about everything happening in my life and hearing my friends vent about theirs, I started thinking how we all just seem to want to know what is going to happen next. Then I thought, we cannot even explain what is happening now, what’s makes us think we can decide what happens next?!
I started thinking about Morgan and how I bet she often asks “Why me?” and if I had to guess I would say probably still doesn’t have THE answer at this point, or if she ever even will have it. So I felt the need to send Morgan a card and just write a short note basically telling her I have no idea why her life has been as it has been and I know that it does not seem fair but when it all doesn’t make sense and we can’t see the big picture to remember to ‘Just remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck.’
Today I was on Facebook and I saw these words "Just remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck" in her status and it made me smile--not only because I knew she had received her card and these words meant something to her but because it was the perfect time for me to be reminded of my own words, not only for me but to remind quite a few people around me of this! There is nothing like preaching to the choir huh?!
So my friends - I have quite a few of you struggling with SO many issues right now from small to large- Please remember - as hard as it is to trust, we have to know that whatever we are going through is just the next "move" in this game of cards called life and the hand we were dealt, so don’t “fold” just yet but instead remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck!!
Then we have those others whose life just seems to "suck" for a better lack of a word - you look at them and think - 'wow, I am glad that is not me' –
This week I sent my cousin, Morgan a card- in my opinion her life is one of those I can say ’wow, I am glad that is not me' about. At the young age of 23 she has already been through more horrific times throughout her short life than I dare to even discuss - not only for her privacy but also because some of her situations are more repulsive than I ever want to have to think about, much less write about. We will just say, she is out of that horrible situation, still dealing with the mental effects that come with it but she is definitely a brave survivor in my eyes! On top of the other unfortunate circumstances in Morgan’s life, her father passed away a little over two weeks ago. If you have read past blogs you remember reading about my uncle Terry that is her daddy.
Earlier this week after thinking about everything happening in my life and hearing my friends vent about theirs, I started thinking how we all just seem to want to know what is going to happen next. Then I thought, we cannot even explain what is happening now, what’s makes us think we can decide what happens next?!
I started thinking about Morgan and how I bet she often asks “Why me?” and if I had to guess I would say probably still doesn’t have THE answer at this point, or if she ever even will have it. So I felt the need to send Morgan a card and just write a short note basically telling her I have no idea why her life has been as it has been and I know that it does not seem fair but when it all doesn’t make sense and we can’t see the big picture to remember to ‘Just remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck.’
Today I was on Facebook and I saw these words "Just remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck" in her status and it made me smile--not only because I knew she had received her card and these words meant something to her but because it was the perfect time for me to be reminded of my own words, not only for me but to remind quite a few people around me of this! There is nothing like preaching to the choir huh?!
So my friends - I have quite a few of you struggling with SO many issues right now from small to large- Please remember - as hard as it is to trust, we have to know that whatever we are going through is just the next "move" in this game of cards called life and the hand we were dealt, so don’t “fold” just yet but instead remember who is dealing the cards and He can see the full deck!!
A Woman....
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who
lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..
How to quit a job, Break up with a lover,
And Confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
when to try harder... and when to walk away...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't
take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year..."
— Pamela Redmond Satran
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who
lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..
How to quit a job, Break up with a lover,
And Confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
when to try harder... and when to walk away...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't
take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year..."
— Pamela Redmond Satran
Day Ten - Go Tigers?!
Day Ten: One confession.
WOW! I cannot believe it is the last day of the "10 days" posts!! I also cannot believe how much has changed in my life in a matter of two weeks! From sad, to happy, to confusing....I feel like I have been a rollercoaster of emotions lately - It is so crazy how quickly things change!!!
One Confession....
This is so hard for me to say....probably more embarassing than anything but believe it or not - I was once displayed as a Clemson fan! There is proof below in a picture. (I am so glad I was around for my baby sister and brother to spare them of this shame I feel) All of this time my parents I said I cried alot because I was a "Colic Baby", I always had a tummy ache - I wonder if they were to think back could it really be I was not a colic baby, but instead I was wearing these shirts on the days I cried?!
I have always been aware that my family has a history of attending and cheering for Clemson, and I even rememeber a clemson blanket we had growing up. However until recently, I was never aware that I actually suited up in Clemson attire.
I was going through things in my basement last week and I found a bag of some of my "favorite clothes"....there are only about 10 articles of clothing in this bag so I must have really worn this one alot if it stuck out enough for my parents to save it! Now it makes more sense why my uncles and grandfather were puzzeled when I announced I would be attending USC - they probably had an image of me in their mind as a "Little Tiger" (as one shirt says)!
Ahhhhhhh....I feel so much better getting that one off of my chest and even better knowing that I have grown up to be much wiser in my decisions for which team I choose to represent! Go Cocks!!
WOW! I cannot believe it is the last day of the "10 days" posts!! I also cannot believe how much has changed in my life in a matter of two weeks! From sad, to happy, to confusing....I feel like I have been a rollercoaster of emotions lately - It is so crazy how quickly things change!!!
One Confession....
This is so hard for me to say....probably more embarassing than anything but believe it or not - I was once displayed as a Clemson fan! There is proof below in a picture. (I am so glad I was around for my baby sister and brother to spare them of this shame I feel) All of this time my parents I said I cried alot because I was a "Colic Baby", I always had a tummy ache - I wonder if they were to think back could it really be I was not a colic baby, but instead I was wearing these shirts on the days I cried?!
I have always been aware that my family has a history of attending and cheering for Clemson, and I even rememeber a clemson blanket we had growing up. However until recently, I was never aware that I actually suited up in Clemson attire.
I was going through things in my basement last week and I found a bag of some of my "favorite clothes"....there are only about 10 articles of clothing in this bag so I must have really worn this one alot if it stuck out enough for my parents to save it! Now it makes more sense why my uncles and grandfather were puzzeled when I announced I would be attending USC - they probably had an image of me in their mind as a "Little Tiger" (as one shirt says)!
Ahhhhhhh....I feel so much better getting that one off of my chest and even better knowing that I have grown up to be much wiser in my decisions for which team I choose to represent! Go Cocks!!
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THEN..... |
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...And NOW!! :) |
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