

Daily Dose 4-14 (All Caught up!!!)

Okay sooooooo since I am way behind on my daily "Reverbs" I am going to list each one and answer it in as few words as possible and if I cannot answer it I will just skip it! Sorry I have been MIA- we went to ATL for the USC SEC Championship game (which we lost BAD but it was still and Awesome trip), and then I had Final Exams and MY BIRTHDAY I have been a busy girl....ok done making excuses, here we go.........

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?
Hmmmm....I have not had a super eventful year full of traveling or seeing many sights or things like that but I have been trying to more aware of my the things I see everyday just paying more attention. This year my sense of wonder came from noticing the small things.

December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
This year I let go of myself. From reading past entries you will know this has been a year that I have felt defeated more than a conqueror and have allowed myself to act like my own worst enemy. Why? I guess more than anything just the pressure of "having it all together" finally got to me and I realized I didn't no matter how big of a smile I put on my face, I just didn't. Thankfully, I am getting back what I let go of and in 2011 I will be the Conqueror! :)

December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
Notes for my roommates and friends. Paper and Crayola Markers....I try to leave them around the house every now and then for them to find--nothing makes a person smile like knowing someone took a second to let them know they were thought of and nothing make makes me smile like being able to have people to leave notes for! As far as wanting to make something...nothing I can really think of-I am not the most creative person in the world so I usually am just one to purchase things already made!

December 7 – Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
This year a house burned down that belonged to a friend of mine and her husband’s. It was not their house but one that they rented out. Anyway, I posted on Facebook that that this had happened and the child involved was upset because her new pink book bag and school supplies were gone and within minutes I had a number of responses.....some people I did not barely even know arranged to drop items off at my house to give to the family in need. Needless to say, the little girl ended up with a brand new book bag and plenty of school supplies! Her mother and grandmother got quite a few items too!
In 2011 I would LOVE to find a new church community - I was involved in my old church but it was time for a change of scenery and I have still not found a place where I want to stay so that is definitely something that will be changing in 2011!

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.
It is so difficult for me to talk about myself in this manner....but I did realize something just yesterday on my birthday...almost every single text, call, email, or card I received for my birthday of course said "Happy Birthday" but it also said, "Thanks for always doing so much and for always being there". It was almost as if my birthday cards could double as a "Secretary’s day" card haha!
I have never really thought that I went out of my way for anyone, and I still don't. I just think that is what friends do and assume those people would do the same for me!

December 9 – Party Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.
New Years Eve - 2010 --Went to a cocktail party that benefitted the Boys and Girls Club of York County and it was a FANTASTIC time! Great company, ages varied, heavy horse d vours, the bubbly was flowing and super cute cocktail attire and I even wore some red high heels! Those heels however were not fun once we found out it was a two hour wait on a cab ride so some friends and I decided to take the walk home that was a little over a mile - talk about shenanigans -we documented with pictures along the way! Without fail every time since then that I go over that bridge we walked over I think about that night!

December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
Wow! As awesome as he is knowing when to walk away from my ex. Never will say a bad thing about him. Not only me walking away, but him as well was the wisest decision ever on both of our parts. Otherwise we would be married or almost married at this point and not as happy as we could be. The decision has played out well - He is now married his life seems on track from what I hear and I have taken the past year to reflect on mine and his almost 6 years and decide what I want next and figuring out what changes I need to make to get it - guess you could say I did a lot of soul searching and finally feel like I am finding my way!
I have no doubt we would have been happy, definitely not miserable but definitely not living to our fullest potential. I don't want to be another statistic - not in that area anyway!

December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?
#11) Drama - I know in life we will always be faced with some type of drama but I guess just not letting myself get caught up in it or letting other peoples stuff give me #10)Worry. I worry about worrying. This HAS to get better in 2011 before I drive myself crazy along with everyone around me-big or small I worry about it, everything is not going to always be #9)Perfect. Perfection, I need to lose some of my need for perfection. I need to gain it in some areas such as school, work, my car and bedroom being clean but definitely need to lose it in areas like making sure everyone around me has their lunch packed, shoes tied and all alphabetical order as some would say I am a bit #8) OCD haha I have not been diagnosed but I don't think it would take much being around me to agree that this could be true!
#7) Holding on to hurt....I need to learn to let go easier in 2011. Not necessarily of people but of memories...just the bad ones of course. Once you hurt my feelings, I cannot forget. I am still nice and smile and pretend all is well but more than likely at least once a day something reminds me of that hurtful feeling you once gave me and I cannot #6)Forget. Forgetfulness has GOT TO GO! haha opposite of what I just said huh? well, let me explain....I can tell you what I did 5 years ago but have no recollection of what we talked about 5 minutes ago. In all honesty this is getting kind of bad; in 2011 I have got to be less what’s the word....forgetful. ;)
#5)Gossip - this is something that I am sure is on my list every year since I am a female, however it is still there and something I will do less of in 2011. I say do less of and not stop because I know myself and I know I am human! I really don't gossip a lot so don’t feel as if you tell me something I cannot be trusted but I can. I just seem to have that one, sometimes two people I tell everything to and feel like it is ok because it is not really that important but in reality just because it is not AS important to me does not mean it is not important sooooo mums the word as much as possible from me in 2011! #4)Facebook. SOOO much time spent on facebook - I have to stop letting it consume so much time! Imagine all of the things I could have done this year had I not been worried about how many "likes" my status got!
#3)Death - I had enough in 2010 between my grandfather and uncle....of course this is out of my control and in God's but God if you are reading, can I have a few years off from this horrible heartache of losing loved ones?!#2)Regret. I don't have much, I really don't, but anytime I feel that sting of regret I hope I can remember that everything happens for a reason and is falling into place as it should. Even if something dumb I did now seems pointless and actually never makes any sense to me it was all done in order to lead me where I am! #1) Soft Drinks. I NEED NO SOFT DRINKS...........I NEED to learn to love water and forget about Mt. Dew and Pepsi!
How will you go about eliminating them? Patience, Tolerance and Self Control!
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? Well apparently they are all things that I feel impact me negatively so eliminating these things can only make me happier!

December 12 – Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?
This can be answered in Day 3 I feel like. Blog Entry "Daily Dose 3" I may be not understanding this question?

December 13 – Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
My next step is trying not to figure it out myself but realizing what God has for my next step!

December 14 – Appreciate what’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?
Honesty. Back this summer when I was told "You are human after all...." (Click here for the blog entry explaining) that was a moment that needed to transpire in my life to help me get back on track. Not saying that I am Superwoman but it is nice to know that people sometimes look at me that way!
I express gratitude by hopefully making positive changes that are hopefully evident to those around me!

Yay! I am all caught up...and just think I thought I would not be able to answer them all....who was I kidding - we all know how much I can talk! :) Anyway, I have to run, going to meet a few friends for more birthday fun and don't want to be late. Wow!!! How did I forget tardiness on my list of 11 things?! Friends, I promise I REALLY am working on being late EVERYWHERE - I promise!! :)


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