

Picture Challenge - Day Six

Day Six:
•A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

"Skeeter Phelan" a character in the book "The Help". She is one of the three narrative voices in this book and throughout the book she repeatedly shows how she is determined to do what she feels is right no matter the consequences. With a very demanding mother, the pressure of her Junior League ladies, and the lack Civil Rights in the 1960's Skeeter still prevails by being a strong woman, who at time doubted herself but never enough to stop her from her dream of becoming an author.
It is so easy to sometimes to just change our opinion on something because it is just easier to go with the flow rather than to push buttons. Skeeter shows us how despite it all, through losing her friends, and standing in her community she still continues on the path she set out on. If you read the book you will see how just when you think she is "giving in" she is able to still make her points in her own little way that states a way bigger statement then she ever could have spoken....all through the use of toilets - You have to go read it to know what I am talking about! ;)

Maybe this desire to trade places for a day also stems from the fact that I probably should have been born during this time--the fashion, the decor, the option to leave your house unlocked all night....are just a few of the ideas I love from this time!

I of course do not have a picture of her since she is a "character" but the movie "The Help" is coming out in August so I have included a picture of her character from the movie. I also included the trailer from the upcoming movie - I am SOOOOO excited and for anyone who knows me - you know I never go to the movies, However I will be there for this one on opening day!


1 comment:

  1. Did you finally finish it? I wish I was down there in August to see it with you! One of my friends does Teach for America down in Mississippi where they were filming it and he got to hang out with the cast some. I hadn't seen the trailer yet but it looks great!
