

"Don't let the Sunshine spoil your rain!"

All day long while I am at work, I see so many birds, and squirrels zipping past my window but on rainy days like today even though it is probably no more than any other day it is almost like I see even more. It seems like they would be seeking shelter and I would see fewer but I think that because it can be more difficult to see in the rain they change their pace. They still fly to the same tree they would any other day, just with more caution.
This made me think - Why are we as humans not more like that? Why don't we take rainy days as a chance to pay more attention?

We have all seen the "Wet Floor" or "Slippery When Wet" signs posted in businesses and we all know that those signs are there to inform us that we need to slow down, proceed with caution, pay more attention, and so on. So we are all aware that you are obviously more likely to slip in the rain but we still run to our car, house, office or drive the same speed as we would any other day.
Even though it is harder to see and easier to slip we speed up which makes us pay less attention and we forget that in the end regardless if wet or dry we are going to get there!

These caution signs seem to work for me - anytime I see one, I am sure to be more careful. Maybe we should try applying that same respect for those signs to our life on rainy days; regardless if it is raining outside or not.

When everything is going well, it is so easy for us to tell others how much God has blessed us and how we are so thankful He is in control but as soon as we feel a little rain we let it wash away our Faith. Suddenly,our minds, mouth, and feet start pacing trying to figure our what we need to do to get to the destination without getting wet - we get in a hurry, such a hurry that we pay less attention and zoom right past all of those "Caution" signs until we have no choice but to slow down because we are out of breath and need water!

Isn't it ironic that after any type of strenuous activity we always ask for water but in situations through life we run from it. Rain is a good thing - don't let your easy days make the not so easy days hard ones.

Walk on your tiptoes and be a sponge!


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