

Cruising right along...

Ahhhhhhhhh.....for the first time since July when I first posted about about my Pursuit I can finally say I see a light at the end of the tunnel!! I am so excited, scared, happy, overwhelmed and feel peace all at once! I cannot wait until everything is set in stone and I can share every little detail!! I believe in one of my first post about this pursuit I mentioned that I'd be displaying a whirlwind of emotions....boy am I glad I prepared myself!

I knew going into this, that to claim my prize I'd have to sacrifice some things, but oh my goodness I never expected a cruise to the Bahamas with a few of my best friends would be one of those things! That's right....I had to make a big girl decision this week and tell my roomies and a few other friends that at this point in my life I just don't see me going on a cruise in January being smart logically or financially.
Of course it's hard to say no to that idea in general, but even harder since everyone I'm around the most is going and it's the main topic of discussion. I can't help but be envious and it's really hard not to just decide to go and let the rest take care of itself when I get to that bridge BUT as green as I might turn some days I just have to remind myself that what I'm on my way to accomplishing will be more rewarding for me in the long run and that's what I have to be about for now...what matters most down the road, not just right now.
On the bright side, ME BEING ABLE to pass up on this awesome opportunity with friends and not really HAVING to, reassures me so much that my pursuit is on the right path!!

Speaking of reassurance, Isn't it ironic how people seem to say something just when you need to hear it the most...I was telling my friend Katie (Check Out Katie's blog here!) the other day that I have been pinning every encouraging quote I read on the website Pinterest so that when moments of giving up a cruise, doubt, fear and any other negative energy enters my mind I can go back and read them.
Katie moved to SC from Minnesota and we instantly hit it off upon meeting...she has since moved to NYC but while here she told me more than once I was her silver lining in SC....well, the other day when talking to Katie and expressing my bittersweet emotions she returned the favor and became my silver lining in NYC...She told me,
"You have time. One of the most exciting things is the planning anyway, enjoy it!".

Just what I needed to hear at that moment and it has echoed in my mind a few times since and I can only imagine how many more times I will remember her words! She reminded me to enjoy every minute RIGHT NOW, Not down the road  when looking back but RIGHT NOW! Enjoy even the most stressful of my planning "adventures" because it is JUST ONE of the most exciting things....on the way to millions more!!


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