

Mission Motto

Ok so after my last post ("Underwater") apparently a few people were worried about assured my friends...all is well and I really wasn't "down" or "bummed out" but rather frustrated and just needed to give myself a pep talk! Also, most seemed to think it was about a boy....c'mon now y'all give me more credit than that....It was about a REAL problem. ;)

If you follow my posts then you know I am on a "mission" what it is I have not yet fully revealed other than to let you know it is a mission toward my pursuit of happiness. Of course I know once my "mission is accomplished" that does not mean the end of annoying (or underwater) days but I also know that it does mean I will be happier upon arriving and exiting those days! In reality I know myself way to well and will probably never be able to say "mission accomplished" because I will just keep adding to it and accomplishing tasks along the way rather than ever fully completing it - I think wanting more is a good quality though...It always keeps my arms reaching and me on my tippy toes!!

I saw this quote the other day and decided that this sums up my life right now and is my new motto along the way!!

"She turned her cant's into cans, and her dreams into plans."
 How perfect is that...and what a WONDERFUL motto for a gal in pursuit of happiness! :)


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