

Juice Please!!!

This is not really anything super important but just a cute story that shows how thinking outside of the box can really be beneficial. My friends and family laugh because I am constantly coming up with "inventions" only to google them and find that someone in Japan has beat me to day though my creative thinking will pay off just like you will read in this short bio that Lillly's did!!!

What is a 21 year-old girl named Lilly to do after she’s just eloped?

Lilly married Peter Pulitzer and escaped the hustle and bustle of New York City for the sun and sand of Palm Beach? With your husband running the family orange groves, why not start a juice stand?

And that is just what Lilly did back in 1959, but her new business venture soon gave her a closet full of juice-stained clothes. Inspired by the colorful nature of her newly dyed wardrobe, Lilly launched a line of brightly colored shift dresses covered in playful prints. It wasn’t long before her dresses became a hit in all of the country’s most fashionable resort towns, and soon ’60s style icons like Jackie Kennedy were wearing Lilly’s designs.Fast-forward 50 years, and Lilly Pulitzer prints are still a favorite for all those people that lead colorful lives.

Is that not just such a cute story? Just to think that I spend $60 for a Lilly Polo with the simple Palm Tree logo or at least $150 (if I find a good sale) for a bright multi colored dress ....and this all started with inspiration from juice stand stained clothes!


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