

Get your ash in gear!!

It has been almost a year already since I posted a site that I found interesting regarding Lent....time sure does go fast!
I looked up that site today Busted Halo and it is back for its third year with the not so traditional Lent calendar that gives daily interesting thoughts and ideas that we should learn to practice in our daily lives to experience the growth of becoming a better person. The site promotes Lent as more than just a day to decide to give up your favorite food for 40 days but takes the approach of showing that it can be much more meaningful!

If you are like I am, raised from a Baptist background or just find that you feel kind of clueless when it comes to Ash Wednesday, Lent and everything that it symbolizes watch this informative two minute video that makes it all a little more clear!

The calendar starts tomorrow on Ash Wednesday (3/9/11) and will continue for a little over 40 days during the time called Lent, leading us to Easter. Everyday there is an inspiring quote from science, philosophers, Hollywood, the Bible, and so on. I did notice that there is even one from Snooki but you have to wait until March 12 to see what she possibly could have to say that is considered inspiring (haha)....the site will not allow you to "peak ahead"!! :)

As stated on the site:
Busted Halo’s® Fast Pray Give Calendar is completely unflunkable, entirely relevant and totally inspiring. The idea isn’t to be perfect but to continue on our path, so if you slip up one day, don’t give up; simply begin again the next day. And share any struggles — slips or just difficulty you’re having — at our "Slip Support Station" on  Busted Halo's Facebook Page.

I hope to find this calendar as insightful and inspiring as I did last year and I also hope you check it out and enjoy a dose of renewal!



  1. Thanks! I knew lent was coming up but that helped me understand it more. I'm not catholic but I do still like to participate. I'm giving up not working out-forcing myself to not be lazy and get my "ash" literally in gear :)

  2. Great blog Faith...I am now a follower...check my blog out at

  3. Thanks Mark! I will def check it out! :)
