

Where is my "Yellow Brick Road"?!

In seek of my Pursuit of happiness I keep coming up with one word that scares me from taking the next step..."unknown"

 I keep thinking - what if this, what if that...The way things are now are fine and I know what to expect...right?
Then it hit me,Think how many times a day your "plans" change. I cannot be 100% sure about anything in life, I can plan, map it all out, and still nothing is certain - there is always going to be that "unknown".
I looked up the definition for unknown:

1. not known, understood, or recognized
2. not established, identified, or discovered

Then I thought about most situations in my life and they all seem to fit this definition so why would I let a fear that I battle and defeat daily without even ever really realizing it stand in the way of my pursuit?  I can't, I won't.
"Be strong even when you think you are not able and do whatever it takes to be happy...whatever it takes."

Next adventure:  at a fork in the the grand scheme both lead to the unknown....which path do I take?!



  1. I'm not sure what your options are but the road less traveled is a great bet if you want to feel like you're truly living. It's not always easy but it's worth it! Call if you ever want a sounding board!

  2. You just made me cry!! :) Thanks def know all about those roads less traveled! Love ya! xoxo
