Eeeek!!! Where do I even begin?! My last post was January 8, 2013 and I promised myself I would not let my blog sit for over a year without any posts, so here I am!!! Don't judge - It has not been a year yet! :) Seeing as how it is a new year, I think I will make a resolution that I have no more than a month between each post this year. In addition to the present, I also have the last 365 days to write about so you should be reading more from me since I definitely have plenty to talk about!!
To get things started, I am going to share an idea that I came up with this morning!
Social Media is a friend of mine, anyone who knows me, knows that! I post on Instagram and Facebook as if it were my job!! I often hear people say things like, "I don't need to post every minute of my life for it to be real...etc" and while I do agree I also think that there is another way to look at it. We have all wanted someone to hear a song. When I finally have that persons attention for three minutes to listen to the song, I talk the whole time; "did you hear that part?", "Listen to this next verse!", "Is that part true or what?" and so on! (I am even worse at this with a movie haha) Anyway, my point is, when you truly enjoy something; a song, movie, food or moments then there is nothing wrong with wanting to share those times. However, I know I can be guilty of posting and never looking back at it so I decided to create a new hashtag, #whatiloveabout2015today
How it works: At the end of every day I am going to reflect back on my post throughout the day and add the hashtag to my favorite moment of the day. Not only do I get to smile about that moment again right then but how exciting will it be this time next year when I click on #whatiloveabout2015today and see those moments again? Join in on the fun if you want!!! I would love nothing more than to see your favorite post of the day too!
No matter how tough some days might be, we have to be able to find at least one #whatiloveabouttoday2015 moment in each day to get to the next!
Neat idea!