

YOU are the Cashier

I was chatting with a friend the other day and we were talking about life. How we have to remember to take it one day at a time  and to learn from each day but also remember, to not let the tough lessons hold us back.

We often get so caught up in bad moments that happened in the past that we miss out on the good things could be happening at this moment. The friend I was chatting with the other day, was telling me how amazing the girl is that he is currently dating but how because of past failed relationships  it is sometimes hard to believe that this new love in his life is always completely sincere in having his best interest at heart. 
I'd be lying if I said I'd never been there before, it's not fun at all not being able to let your hair down and really enjoy something which is why this convo with an old friend reminded me of a little scenario I came up with a while back to help me through a similar situation. 
If you have ever talked to me about an issue like this then I am sure you know exactly what you are about to read before continuing on!

Ok, it's story time! You are in line at the grocery store when the lady in front of you is finally done, the cashier begins scanning your items and then he says, "ok, your total today is $350.00." You look up from texting and  say, "Wait just a minute....all I have is a couple of items-a pack of gum and a bottle of water so do you mean $3.50?!?" To which the cashier replies, "No ma'am, I mean $350.00 unless you have any more coupons other than the ones she gave me already" For a minute you are completely puzzled and then you realize what is happening, the cashier is charging you for items from the lady who was just in front of you! So you quickly exclaim, "Sir, why should I have to pay for that lady's stuff - I don't even know her and I don't even like half of the stuff she bought!" 
The cashier can handle this situation in one of two ways, he  can either apologize and tell you he's  sorry but that's just the way it is -take it or leave it for the next girl in line OR he can thank you for bringing this to his attention, apologize that he almost made a huge mistake that could've cost him his job and then assure you that he trashed her ticket and started a brand new one just for you. 
Sooooooooo,  Mr you choose to make her pay for the baggage from the person before her or do you choose to give her the new and improved ticket?

"You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space." 
~Johnny Cash



To me, From me

Some have painting, some have music, some have sports, some have photography, some have their profession, some are still trying to figure out what theirs is (and they will) but for me, my passion is this...writing. 
This is the place where I can say what I am thinking and feeling and regardless if anyone else besides me reads it, I know that I put it all out there...exactly what I'm thinking. Writing is how I express my happy thoughts, sad thoughts, confused thoughts or whatever they may be- I know that when I sit down to write out my thoughts they just come naturally with no hesitation. 
So you would think with all of the things going on in my life in the past year I would be writing ten times a day, but it has actually been quite the opposite. 
I have had so much going on that I would love to share but I just haven't been able to find the inspiration, something that before I never even knew I needed...I've finally  come to realize it's something that I don't need, inspiration isn't what's been missing, instead it's been honesty. 

When I write, I am writing to me. 
I am sincere and honest in what I have to say. The last few months of life have been amazing, hard, confusing, happy, frustrating, tiring and quiet. 
Somewhere among all of those adjectives there came a point in my life where I couldn't write because I couldn't write to myself and know that it was sincere and honest. So I stopped. I would start typing and then just stop because I felt like what I was writing just didn't make sense with how I felt. It made sense with how I should be feeling with everything going on in life,  but when it came time to read over it I felt like I were writing to someone else or for someone else and that's not why I write.

So here I am, laying it all out there and writing to myself to say...

It is ok that I am not happy at work, it is ok that I will be 30 this year and not married,  it is ok that I said yes,  it is ok that I sometimes smiled when I wanted to cry, it is ok that it ended, it is ok that I let pride interfere with decisions, it is ok that I have had to hurt people, it is ok that I am having to hurt while at the same time feeling happy and relieved, it  is ok that it took me this long to accept that no matter what people choose to say or what people choose to believe, it is all ok. 

"For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining, is to let it rain." ~ Longfellow 
