

The Summons

Sometimes things are so on time that you don't even know you needed them until they's as if someone can see the big picture and is always steps ahead...thankfully, that is the case - God always knows just when to make himself known. Yes, He is always there but it is so nice to receive His subtle reminders, even on the days when we feel like all is well!

This happened to me last week...I received a piece of mail through my company's interoffice mail. It was a photocopy of a hymn titled The Summons with a sticky note that said, "This song makes me think of you!".
The words of this hymn are so beautiful and present us with the remember that the challenge we face is to leave yourself behind and go where God directs us.

The song has five verses can be found here but the one that stuck out to me the most was verse two:
Will you leave yourself behind

If I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind
And never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
Should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer pray’r
In you and you in me?

If you read my posts then you know I (with lots of prayer) decided not to move to the beach, something I had been planning for quite a while but once everything was in place and the dust settled I felt a different direction calling me and as this verse says "Will you risk the hostile stare Should your life attract or scare?" I have had to face a few of these stares from people in deciding not to move and of course as any major decision is I have definitely felt scared....but as the next line states, "Will you let me answer prayer In you and you in me?" - it has been amazing how my prayers have been answered once I accepted the call of the Summons and let God answer my prayers instead of trying to satisfy them on my own!

So to my dear friend who sent me this sweet hymn,thank you for taking a few extra minutes to let me know you thought of me - this photocopy is one that I will hold dear forever and pull out from time to time to reflect on the ways that the other verses remind me what it is all about.....leaving me behind to get ahead in Him!


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