


So for those of US not scared of facing life, and the unknown future, WE can stop reading now. For all of YOU chickens out there -- continue... ;)
I was talking to a friend today about a past situation in their life...we were talking about taking chances in life and how "what could/might have been" is the worst feeling to look back and feel down the road.
Sometimes I think Life should be called "Unknown" instead of "Life"...that's what it is, completely unknown. I think that is the hardest part for me - wanting to know as much as possible about what is ahead rather than just sitting back and letting God do his thing! ("Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open." ~Corrie ten Boom)  As soon as the madness seems to be "in control", whether for me or against me I always find someway to let my mind delve deeper into trying to guess what the next step is. Or I try to figure out why it is the way it is and then the "controlled madness" is shot! I feel like I need a reason for everything-why this?,why that?... but that is another blog entry in itself!!
So, I guess that is why I am writing this today -  for my readers, me personally, I am huge on taking chances as long as I am 99.9% sure that it is the precisest chance possible of having things go MY way ;) I love change, I embrace change, again as longs as I have thought of, and of course over analyzed every possible angle known to man that I can fathom!!
OK so maybe I am a chicken too, maybe I am preaching to the choir on this one as I often find myself doing!
In the talk with the friend I had earlier we were going on about relationships and jobs and how often we stay in one of these positions simply because we are comfortable. It is easier to have a general idea of what life holds rather than to feel that uncertainty from day to day. Will I find another job? What if I am single forever? What if I move and do not know anyone? What if we get married and are unhappy? What if we do not get married and I realize I messed up?
Questions like these we often ask ourselves and a majority of the time a lot of us go with the easy, comfortable, predictable answer and just stay. Stagnant, not moving, no change at all, because we fear the unknown and of course failure. Wouldn't we rather be happy, fulfilled, people out in the world doing what we do best rather than just settling for mediocre relationships and jobs?! You would think so!
So let's do it - we need to go out and make those changes and take those chances...always hoping for the best but also understanding that the other alternative (ugh-failure) is always looming around the corner.
Be brave - be strong - be willing - be understanding - be passionate about EVERYTHING!!!
While talking today all of these thoughts were rolling through my mind and I began thinking of times that I can look back and regret that I didn't make a change because I was lacking some of the attributes mentioned. This thought came to mind....
"I just don't want to get to the end of my life and wish it had gone differently all because I once had a chance at something, got scared, and chickened out."
I googled this thinking that there is no way that such profound wisdom (to me anyway) just came from my brain! Such simple words yet so compound- I cannot seem to find a source, if you do let me know-I am guessing just all of the quotes I have read and experiences I have had through life brought me to that statement so until I hear otherwise I will claim it! :)
Anyway - it is as simple as that...Don't be skeeeeeered!! Figure out  what it takes to be happy and DO IT(within legal boundaries of course)!!!
None of us want to look back with regrets...even if we do make a change and it comes to pass that maybe  this decision was not for the best - Isn't it better to look back and think "I tried" rather than "What might have been?"!!!
Have a nice unknown!!!!!

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